8.6.18 9:13 pm

30 1 0

is it bad ?
is it bad that i already know he's gonna leave ?
im praying to the god that i dont believe in that he doesnt , but i think he will .
im just not good enough .
im not good enough for anybody .
everybody leaves .
i dont want him to leave .
he's my one .
the one .
maybe im just not his one .
maybe he's his one .
i dont know .
i wish i was his one .
maybe this will be why he leaves .
because i dont trust that he wont leave me .
i do trust that .
i just dont trust myself .
trust myself to do what exactly ?
trust myself to not chase him away .
to not make him happy .
i want to make him happy .
but i cant make him want me .
maybe he actually does want me .
maybe im just too hard on myself .
i dont know .
im just so in love with him .
he has my heart .
he always has had it .
please don't break it .
please ..
please dont leave ..

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