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We were on 8th grade that time, where I thought life for me was so unnatural,. Im not the typical teenager who has several crushes, who has different leisure things,. I dont do things they do, I dont like things they love, I am the so called pet of the team. The baby; the most innocent.

Then I met him, the first ever strange man I laid my eyes on, the first ever man I adored next to my dad and edward cullen,.
my first ever crush,

Then as time goes by, I admire him so much,
to the point that my day wouldnt be complete without seeing him,
To the point that I always look up for him,
I always care for him,
And up to the point that I forgot myself just to remember him.

Then it hit me, hes not my crush anymore,

Because He became My First ever love.

But that thought burries in myself. Only in myself.
I never bring it out,
I never said it outloud.

Time walk so fast that made me recognize my feelings toward him become part of my sytem. Its like I wont be able to breathe without him, That I wouldnt be able see without him,
Its like, the whole Me depends upon him, His presence particularly..

Time passed by, Our presence still exist,. But not in the both of us. Which made me ask--- is it considered an absence for him if Im not around?

Moves should be given. I told myself. Which pushed me to do something.
Something new,
Something complicated,
Something faze.
Something I think is wrong.
I just made a freaking love letter,.

My first ever love,

First of all, I wanna say thankyou, for being an inspiration, for being an admiration, for being my crush,.
Yes, I had a crush on you, the first time I've been so interested in you, and up untill now, Im wishing for us to be friends, or maybe more than friends. Please accept my proposal, I know Im not that nice, but I knew I can be better, So there mr, hope to be close with you..

Those are some stupid words I wrote on that paper, then unfortunately, out of nowhere, he got that letter. he have red that freakin letter, he asked me if its true, but I denied it, I cant see myself being humiliated because of a f*ckin letter, around all the closes people he had, I dont wanna look stupid infront of them,.

Days turned year,..

And still, I always had the opportunity to watch over him, I always find time to fool myself that sooner, I'll be able to watch the both of us strolling around, like a lovesick fool,.

But fate isnt really that nice, It pushes me badly to make such big stupidity.

I made a move,
I called his name,
I talked to him,
I put down my pride!
just to realize how ambitious I am to think that I can be with him,

But whoa! A miracle happen!

I dont just talk, But He, He talked to me, he answered me, He replied to my questions, he asked some answer,

Who would've think? Its gonna be the start of this so called sweetness,.

I confessed, He proposed.
I said I like you,
He replied I love you.
And thats how our truistic journey begin,

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