Valentine - Part One

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* if you haven't listened to ''valentine'' by 5sos, go do so or this won't make sense*


i love the light in your eyes
and the dark in your heart

'' Hello, welcome to Abigail Adams high school. Are you lost? '' I turned around and came face to face with a pair of green eyes. I looked closer to see those eyes belonged to a tall boy with light brown hair that was almost blonde. He was smiling at me and I noticed he wore a blue V neck t shirt with dark jeans and sneakers. He looked at least a year older than me at most. I looked back up at his face and he was giving me a weird look, and that was when I realized that I had been staring. My cheeks suddenly turned red and I looked away.

'' Oh, um, sorry. Yeah, I just moved here and don't know where my class is. Or my locker. '' The boy smiled again and asked me if I had my schedule with me. I nodded and handed it to him, I watched as he looked it over and then back up at me. Then he told me that we had History class together and so we walked there together. Along the way, he told me about the school and where everything was. He also told me that his name was Lucas Friar and he was from Texas. He said that he moved to New York in seventh grade. I listened intently to every word.

you love our permanent
chase and the bite of our bark

'' So, tell me about yourself. '' Lucas asked me, as we walked up a flight of stairs. I told him my name was Riley Matthews and that I had just moved here from Philadelphia. I told him that I had a younger brother and that I loved to help others. I also told him that I was just going to be friends with him because I was gay. He seemed accepting and even excited because, and I quote '' now we can help each other out with girl problems. '' I laughed and then we mad it to a row of lockers.

we know we're classic
together like Egyptian gold
we.. love.. us.

'' i had a fun time getting to know you, Lucas. It's good to know that I finally have someone to talk to. '' I said, as he helped me with my locker. After I put the books I didn't need inside, we made our way to History class. I sat in the front, while Lucas sat behind some blonde girl with pink streaks in her hair and dark clothes. She had her phone out and was texting away. I looked back at Lucas and mouthed, who is that? He just shook his head and whispered that he'd tell me later. I only nodded and waited for the teacher to show up. While I waited, my mind kept racing to the blonde behind me, and how badly I wanted to bang her.

so this was originally going to just be a solo one shot, but i got carried away so now its a two (possibly three) part. enjoy :)

- M

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