Chapter 7 - I'm What!?

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I woke up with a headache which was weird for a vampire. I looked at my new phone and saw an email from Devin. He was at college doing an assignment. He wanted me to wake up feeling better so he asked Colin and Jacob to make fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Classic, Devin. I sat up and stretch but felt weird I ran to the bathroom and puked me guts out. I think Colin heard me beacuse he came rushing in and holding up my hair.
"Are you, OK!? Vampires don't get sick but occasionally we tend to feel sick not be sick unless your..." He stopped and his mouth dropped in excitement and shock.
"What!!? Unless I'm what??!!" I encourage him.
"Ummm, are you on the pill" I shook my head and blushed " Did you guys use a condom"
I gasped.
"You mean to tell me I'm pregnant with my first child and it's Devin's!!!" I yelled. Jacob came into the room and stood there in shock.
********************MIND LINK********************
D= Devin★
C= Casey♪♪♪
D- Casey!!! Are you OK!!? What's happening!! I'll be right there!!
C- No!! I'm just in shocked about something!! I was reading and it got interesting!
D- You! Reading!! C what's really going on!?
C- Nothing I promise but I'm going to go to my moms for a little while and I'll be right back.
D- Alright see you soon, then
************END MIND LINK************
" I'm running away. But to my moms" I said packing up with vampire speed.
"What!! Your going to ditch your mate when you need him the most!! I'm sorry but even you know that's low Casey" Jacob said coldly to me.
"Do you know how hard it will to hide from him!! No you don't beacuse you have your mate!! I will be all alone!! I'm thinking of the child!! He or she will be a....."
"Why are you talking about??" Colin said at the same time as Jacob.
"Remember I was born a vampire. If my moms journal is right, I will have a pureblood daughter or son and we know that they all been hunted down and killed. I'm already being hunted down so why not add a baby!!" I said scared about my unborn child
"Let's go! Devin's coming home soon. I already wrote a letter saying where I was going and I'll be back before he knows it so,..... Chop Chop!! Let's go!!"
They both held my arms and we teleported to my moms house. Well castle.
"So the little minx is back home." Jamie's voice came from behind me.
"Yep, bitch I'm back!!" I said going to the throne room but he came in front of me.
"Your mom is going to be so angry!! And your dad is equally the same beacuse for the position you put your mother in!! Just a heads up!!" He said smirking.
I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder on the way in. My mom looked at me a few seconds after I came in.
"Casey!! Where have you been!! I was so worried half the castle was searching for you!!"
" Mom, I'm sorry. But I did take your advice and there's been a problem. Can I talk to you in private? It's kinda really important!?!" I addressed her with manners. I mean I'm mad at her for not warning me. She looked at me and decided that it was important. We walked to my old room and sat on the bed.
"Why didn't you tell me!?" I asked quietly.
"What, that you would end up being pregnant with a pureblood child!? Casey I can't see the future in some people and those people are special. They write there own stories and live there own life." I started to tear up.
"Mom, I'm scared. What if I drop her or leave her in the car, or-" I started to panic button my mom smiled.
"How do you know it's a girl?! What  if it's a boy?!" I smiled and stared at my stomach I didn't even need to check if it was real beacuse I can feel it moving. I know it's a girl beacuse of how she fights. In my stomach!!
"Well there's a cottage near one of your good friends and he is one of my oldest friends and he live 5 states away." I looked confused. Why so far away? Mom looked at me with an expert expression.
"Did you think your mate would stop looking for you!? Honey, he's was actually going to propose to you but you left. But he's not done yet!!" I smiled beacuse he was going to ask me to marry him.
I giggled and then smiled but then frowned. I left him before he was going to propose to me. Damn Devin! You should of done it earlier.
I hugged everyone except Colin and Jacob beacuse they were coming with me.
"Mom and Dad. I promise I will come back! I just need to figure out my life and how to raise my... You know what." I whisper in there ears as I hugged them. I mean this is the last time I would see them in a long time. I mean my dad. My mom and I have a bond. Like Goddess to child bond but she told me in case of an emergency, I call her.
I kissed there checks and The mates( a/n The Mates means Jacob and Colin) took my luggage and boarded this superspeed car. A gift from my parents. We started to head on the long road trip.
*************5 hours later*************
" I'm hungry" I said from the backseat of the car.
"Hold on, we smell a pitstop up ahead." Colin said. I waited a few minutes until I felt something. I screamed and started to get scared. Colin drives to the side of the road.
"What's happening!?" I screamed.
They both got out of the car and came to the back.
"What happened! Is the baby OK!!?? Are you OK!!??" Colin looked worried.
No, wait! Colin I think it's contractions!" I breathe in  relief. I was probably overreacting. Then I smelled burgers and French fries.
"It the road!! I'm starving! And I have to go to the bathroom! So lets go!" I enthusiastically said. Colin went back to the driver seat and step on it. We reached there in 8 minutes.
I jumped out the car and went to the bathroom. I washed my hand until I heard a voice whisper  in the other stall beside me. I know his voice that is I just couldn't put my finger on it.
"I found her! No we're at a pitstop named Freshman fast-food restaurant." Then a pause came followed by an angry voice " Keep her here for 10 minutes! Are you crazy?! We can hardly stand each other! She'll leave in 9 seconds! OK, bye honey!" A started to walk to the door when I heard her laugh.
"Your so nosy! You were listening weren't you!' I nodded and slowly inch to the door.
"I'll tell what's happening, then. Your ex mate agreed with his dad a long time ago that if he didn't find his mate after college then he'll be married off to me. He did find his mate but I was upset so I drugged him that night and had sex with him. I know that you felt the pain and you were about to reject him but he fell in love with you and left me. I really hate you beacuse that's all he ever wanted about is you. Not to mention that he was going to asked you to marry him. I was really upset until today. Rumors say to you left him for some man and your knocked up. Is that right!? I mean it's OK cause he going to find you and when he does he'll reject your sorry ass." She sneered. This bitch.  I laughed but then he would leave me alone for some time.
I walked right up to her.
"Yes." I said
"Yes, what!?"
" I hope you have the greatest future with my ex mate. I am knocked up and I have a boyfriend." I lied. It hurt me so much to say that first sentence.
"You f•cking dirty slut! I never want to see you again! And I will protect Devin so he's coming here in the next 3 minutes. Goodbye hoe!" She smiled
"Goodbye Slut" I smiled. We waved off each other and said goodbye like old friends. I had to warn The Mates. I ran into the restaurant and saw the twins laughing.
"Guys we have to go! Devin arriving in 2 minutes. I just saw Annie from our school and she wouldn't lie about my mate." I said
"Is that it!?"
"I'll tell you later! Now let's go we have to go he'll be here in 30 seconds!!" We dumped the trays and I brought my food. There's no way in hell I'll leave my food.  We park the car far away from us beacuse we thought someone would recognize us. I don't want to teleport beacuse I might hurt the baby. We were halfway there when someone pulled Jacob to the side and held a knife at his throat. Colin hissed. I screamed. Then, Devin came in with this tight gray shirt and jeans. He still looks sexy as hell. I back away, and into Colin's chest. He hugged me. Devin growled.
"Let go of my mate before I make yours get hurt" he growled at him. Before Colin spoke I spoke up for him.
"Let go of Jacob and then we'll talk in private." I whispered. He nodded and Jacob was release into Colin's arms. Devin held out his hand but I pass and we walked a few feet before he held my face.
"Tell me it's not true. Please tell me you still love me and your not with somebody else"
He said as a tear ran down his cheek. I took a step back out of his reach.
"Are you pregnant, Casey!? With someone else's child!?" He said angry. I took everything I had and shook my head yes. He turned and looked back at me.
"Why!?" He said desperately
" I don't know, but if it was yours, what would you say if this was our last time together!?" I said.
" I would say that you just a stupid orphan bitch, who had to survive on other people. I can't believe I was going to asked you to marry me. I thought we would have a future together, you would bear my kids and we would be happy! But I guess Annie will take your place" He said. I was so surprised but not sad or angry. I was used to Jax's bitches telling me that all the time.
" Well, at least I'm not a player! I do love you but I wish I never had. I never wanted to spend my life with a player who fucks everything with a p•ssy! That why I left your sorry ass. I never wanted to leave you but it's for your safety" I said softly at the end.
I leaned and kiss his check and walked a few steps before turning.
"You have my blessing to marry, Annie. I won't be mad." Haha mad is an understatement. I will rip her out her eyes an pushed them down her throat. He smiled.
"Remember, I can hear your thoughts" I smiled and walked away.
I open the backseat of the car and saw Jacob with a defeated expression and Colin looking upset. I'm guessing that Colin was mad that he didn't protect Jacob from harm. He felt like he failed to protect his mate. I know beacuse I failed. Tears ran down my face and then Colin start talking to Jacob. I didn't want to look back but I did and saw the bitch, Annie hugging my mate and then kiss him. He looked directly at me and kissed her back while grabbing her ass. I smiled sadly and nodded. He needs to move on to be safe from me and our child. He looks at me one last time and I frown. He bends down in one knee and takes Annie's hand. I hear him with my sensitive hearing.
"Annie Hamilton, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?!" He said smiling and then winking at me. Oh, he's trying to get a reaction out of me. I smiled. He still wants me he's just being a baby.
"Yes, I'll marry you!!" Annie shouted. He fake smiled and kissed her so hard she had to wrap her arms around his neck.
Colin and Jacob ended their argument and we hit the road. I looked ahead of me and decided to  focus on my future with my unborn baby girl. 

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