Suicide is not the way!

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I got bored one day and this is what I created but anyways on with the advice/story. I also have a note at the end of the advie/story. See ya then, everyone!!!!!

This story is coming from someone who is going through this but I push past it by helping my friends and family through their problems and I ignore my own. They have been through so much already, deaths in the family and friends being bullied and so much more. To be honest, this is not the best way to handle suicidal thoughts or you are going through depression. A lot of people have died from suicide and I just want you to know that that is not the way to end you life. You should die protecting your loved ones, that is how I look at it. I know a lot of people who have had suicidal thoughts or cut and I want to help as many people as I can so this can all end. I know that I can't help everyone but I can at least try to. I want everyone to have a chance of straightening out their lifes. You might be going through rough times and I get that but if you have suicidal thought don't give in to them. You can push through just know that there are people who care for you no matter what you do. If you are cutting just know that there are other ways to deal with your problems without causing yourself pain. I want you to know that I might not know you irl (in real life) but hey I still care for you no matter what. I care for everyone in the world, big or small, old or young, boy or girl, and most of all good or bad, friend or foe. I care for you no matter what you are. You deserve to live no matter what people tell you and if you need someone to talk to, talk to a trusted friend, adult, or gaurdian. Also, I am here if you can't talk to them, I am all ears. I want to help everyone through tough times even if I can physically do anything. I can help with words of positivity and kindness any day.

If anyone has request on what I should write next or new book ideas don't be afraid to leave a comment or shoot me a message. I am normally online most of the day. I am all ears because I need ideas for new books and new things that people need advice on.

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