Chapter 1

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         The class just started and, everyone was sitting in there seats, Sakura and Minato are the best of friends and, every girl hates her because of that. Sakura doesn't care what they have to say about it. Minato has all of the guys in their class hating him because he is close to Sakura. But, he doesn't care what they think about that they both just ignore the others.

        Today they are gonna go on lunch break then do target practice. That is what their sensei just told them and, he explained everything they are gonna do. Now, all the students are heading out for there lunch break. And, Minato and Sakura are heading to get some ramen for their lunch break. And, they have forty minutes before they have to go back to the academy. They sat there eating ramen and, talking for thirty minutes. So, they decided to go back ten minutes early so they can be the first ones there.

          When they got there they were the only ones there so they sat down and, Sakura laid her head in Minato's lap and, looked at the clouds. And, Minato asked her what she is looking at and, she said "That she is looking at the different shaped clouds. So, he decided to look at them too. Then their sensei showed up so they got up and, then the rest of their class showed up. Their sensei asked Sakura and Minato to go first. The fangirls said "Sakura is gonna miss them all" and, all of the fanboys said the same about Minato. So, Sakura jumped in the air and, flipped upside down and, so did Minato then they nodded to each other. Then they through all of there kunais and, hit them all center on. And, all the fangirls and, fanboys were shocked. Their senseis eyes were huge then he told them they can sit out while everyone else practices.

       Now, the academy is over for the day and, before Minato and Sakura made it out of the classroom their sensei asked them to stay so he can talk to them. So, they walked over to him. And, he said "You guys are at the top of your class so I am graduating you guys early congrats. They said, "Thank you sensei". Then he said "Today is the last day of the academy for you guys. So good luck with your career". They said "Thank you" then they left. And, Sakura and Minato walked out of the school and, walked to Minato's parents since Sakura's were killed on a mission a month ago so Sakura lives with Minato. Then they asked Minato and Sakura how their day was. And, they said at the same time "we graduated early". And, Minato's parents were shocked and, then said: "Well, that means tonight is celebration night".

           Minato told his parents that him and, Sakura wants to go talk to the Hokage and, tell him he is invited. They said "Okay and, that they will get everything set up". Then they went separate ways. Minato and Sakura arrived at the Hokage tower and, knocked on the door and, heard a come in so they did. When they walked in and, closed the door. The third Hokage said, "Hi Sakura and Minato, how may I help you"? They said, "We came to invite you to the celebration party and, told the Hokage that they graduated early".

          He then said, "I knew you guys would so, I will be there for it and, I will tell my wife that you guys graduated early". Then they said, "See you at the party" and, left to go home. When they got home they said, "The third Hokage and, his wife is coming to the party". Then guests started arriving. Minato went up to his parents and, said "Mom and Dad can I talk to you in private"? They said "Sure son" and, Minato told Sakura "They will be right back" and, she said "Okay" and, started talking to the guests. Now, Minato and his parents are in the kitchen. Minato then says "I asked to talk to you in private cause I am scared to ask Sakura to be my girlfriend". And, his dad said, "We will talk to her first okay"? He said "Okay" and left. 

           Then Sakura walked in and said, "I don't know how to say this but, I am in love with your son and, I hope you are okay with it". They then said, "We are okay with it". Then they headed out to the party and, Minato walked up to her and, asked for everyone's attention and, everyone stopped and, looked at them. Minato said, "Sakura, we have been friends since we were born and, have been through everything together and, I have been waiting for this day to ask you to be my girlfriend so, will you do me the honor and, be my girlfriend"? She looked at him with teary eyes and, said: "Yes, Minato-kun I would love to and, I have been waiting forever for you to ask me". Then they kissed and, everyone clapped and, all of the women had tears in their eyes for the beautiful words they said to each other. Then a slow song started and, Minato said "Sakura-chan may I have this dance"? She then said, "Yes you may Minato-kun". And, everyone took pictures and, watched as the new couple danced to the slow song that was currently on. Then everyone decided to go home cause it is getting late.

         Then Minato and Sakura decided to go to bed and, now they are going to share a room together since they are officially dating now. When they got to their room they got in their clothes to go to bed for Minato it was his boxers. And, for Sakura, Minato gave her one of his shirts to use then they climbed in bed and, in each other's arms and, he kissed her forehead and, told her "Goodnight" then they fell asleep that way.

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