This Will Stop

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Rhys and I decided to spend the first part of the afternoon gaming together. It was fun to play against someone I knew, not just random strangers. He wanted me to show him my method for beating Five Nights at Jessie's – Reboot so I explained my tactics to him and let him have a go. Even though he played it himself, he still got really freaked out by the jump scares. we both had fun laughing at each other getting surprised.

After that we sat on the sofa watching YouTube together. Just like last time, Rhys ended up putting his arm around me and pulling me into him. I leaned against his side and listened to his steady heartbeat. Gently, I rested my hand on his stomach. For a moment he tensed up but didn't tell me to get off. I guess years of abuse can put you on edge. Things seemed to real to be true; I questioned it everyday, every moment we were in each other company. How...Why? What did I do to be this blessed.

"Sh-should I go make us a drink?" I offered at the end of the video.

"Yes please, cup of tea?" he asked as I sat up.

"Ok, I'll go make us some."

"I'm going to grab something from my room." Rhys said as we stood up. I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on. As I was sorting out the cups, there was a clattering sound coming from the living room. I stuck my head in the living room door, nobody was there but one of the windows was open. "That's weird." I muttered, "I'm sure that was closed." I leaned out of the window to see if anyone was there, but there wasn't so I pulled the window shut again.

Back in the kitchen, I poured the water into the cups and went to get the milk. As I put my hand on the fridge door someone spoke. "Hello, Lewis." I recognised the voice instantly. Matthew. What the hell was he doing in my house? Oh, the window, he'd got in through the window. My heart was racing in my chest and my stomach twisted.

"W-what do you want M-Mathew? A-actually what the frick are you doing in m-my house?" my hands were shaking but I tried to control my attack.

"Hey, calm down I just wanted to... chat." He said with a smirk on his face.

"I-I know you, Matthew, that's not what you want." I breathed. I wanted to yell out for Rhys, but Matthew couldn't know here was here. Well, not until he came back downstairs anyway. Matthew just smiled – all teeth - and shook his head.

"So, you want to tell me what's really going on? Not like you to skip school, is it? And I know there's something going on between you and Rhys, isn't there?" he started walking closer to me and I tried to back away but the counter was behind me. Suddenly he stopped and laughed to himself, I followed his gaze to the two cups on the side. "He's here, isn't he?"

Next thing I knew, Matthew has a hand to my throat, cutting off my breathing. "Tell me what's going on Lewis and this will all stop. Just like that."

"N-no it wont Matthew, you never stop." I told him. I needed Rhys but I could barely talk, let alone yell.

"No, your right, I won't stop. You made a fool out of me in front of my friends yesterday, that's not ok Lewis. Now you're gonna pay for-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" It was Rhys, his Scottish accent coming through more in his anger. I told myself that it was ok, Rhys would fix this, he was much better at it than me.

"Ah, so kind of you to join us." Matthew tried to sound casual but his voice gave it away. He was beginning to panic now.

"I'm not messing around Matthew. Get away from him and tell me exactly what's going on." Matthew took his hand away from my throat and I collapsed on to the floor coughing, trying to get my breath back.

"Hey, it's just a bit of fun right. This... this is a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? I don't think there is another way of explaining this. You're bullying him Matthew, you just tried to kill him. I think that's enough now. So, I suggest you get a grip and grow up." Rhys was stood face to face with Matthew inches apart. I could see the anger in him.

"Ok, ok. You got me. Fine. This, this'll stop."

"And the rumours?" Rhys pushed, "Will those stop too? So what if me and Lewis are together, there's nothing to make fun of is there?" Matthew was really beginning to panic now.

"Y-yes they'll stop." He stuttered backing away from Rhys.

"If I hear anymore about this, you'll be the one in trouble. Understand?" Matthew nodded, not trusting himself to speak. "Good, now get out. Rhys hissed. Matthew pushed past him and ran out of the house without another word.

Then, Rhys came over and crouched down next to me. I was sat leaning against the cupboard under the counters. I could barely breathe. now that Matthew was gone I could let it out. "Hey, breathe ok? It's alright." I flicked my hair out of my face and tried to stand up. "Easy, easy." I went over to one of the cupboards and got my anxiety medication out. with shaking hands I put the pill in my mouth and swallowed it. I turned round to face Rhys with tears in my eyes. "Hey don't cry." He put his arms around me pulling me to his chest once again; Of course, i started crying. "shh, its ok, I'm here. Matthew wont bother us again." he sighed, "I think I'm going to stay here, with you."
"But what about-"
"I'll worry about that later."

** So this chapter was meant to be Rhys's point of view but I kinda forgot, sorry! Next chapter will be from Rhys. **

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