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Taehyung decided to go to class already since he's been late twice for the past two weeks. It's mostly because he's hanging out with Jimin and Jungkook to get closer with them. They kinda drifted apart since the breakup and the new relationships. Yoongi and Taehyung have been the sweetest to eachother. It's the cutest sight to see the TaeGi couple. It's also gotten around that the two are dating now.

"Sorry, I know I'm late. It won't happen again." Taehyung said to his teacher who put an irritated face on as he sat down.

"Just listen to the lesson so you won't fail." The teacher rolled her eyes and continued her lesson.

Taehyung felt a tap on his shoulder and looked behind him. It was his friend Bogum. He met him as a childhood friend. The rest of BTS don't really know him aside from Jimin. He was very happy to see him.

"Hey, Tae. Why were you so late?" Bogum asked a bit concerned.

"I was just with Jimin and Jungkook." Tae said to make Bogum calm down.

The rest of the class proceeded and Bogum decided to hang out with Taehyung the rest of the day.

They went towards the cafeteria and sat next to the BTS members.


Everyone looked very confused as to why this new persois sitting next to Taehyung and is so close to him.

"Hey, Tae. Who is this?" Yoongi asked putting his arm over Taehyung shoulders.

"This is Jimin and I's childhood friend, Park Bogum. Please make him at home." Taehyung explained and Yoongi let go of Tae.

"Hello, My name is Park Bogum. Nice to meet you all!" Bogum exclaimed.

"My name is Jin. I'm the eldest. Nice to meet you as well. Tae, why didn't I ever meet him?" Jin asked.

"Well, you were to busy with your lo-"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH! I get it.." Jin cut Taehyung off.

Hoseok, Jungkook, and Namjoon introduced themselves.

"Hey, my name is Yoongi. I'm Taehyung's boyfriend." Yoongi introduced himself.

"You are?! So I guess the rumors are true." Bogum said sounding a bit disapointed.

"You okay, Bogum?" Tae asked knowing thaf Bogum wasn't great.

"I'm just gonna go I have something to do." He said and stood up walking out.

"Did I say something?" Yoongi asked.

"No, it's fine. I'm just gonna check on him." Tae asked giving Yoongi a peck on the lips before he left.

Taehyung's POV

I knew one place where he could be. He always goes there when he's sad or he's angry.

The rooftop.

I walked on the rooftop and saw him watching the sky and sitting on a bench. I walked closer to him and sat down.

"Tae, why are you here?" Bogum asked confused.

"Bogum, you left when Yoongi said he was my boyfriend. I know something's wrong." I said to him.

"Do you remember what I said two years ago? In this exact place." Bogum asked.

"I do."

"Then tell me."

"You have feelings for me."

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