💛Chpt 3💛

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My life

Meinu POV
He looked really good with his hair shorter. His long hair was in his face and covering his smile. This way he looks cleaner and fresher. I started getting ready then joined him back on the couch.

"Are we going somewhere?" He asked shyly. I nodded.

"We have a party to go to in 2 weeks so in that time I'm gonna teach you how to be a gentlemen but at the same time a gangster." I smirked. To be honest I have no idea why I agreed to this but he was really honest. And our school are full of fake people. And I think he's a good person so why not?

"Huh? Can those two even go together?" He asked and shrugged.

"Anyway this weeks operation is finished. But from today onwards I want you to run with me." He looked a bit tired just hearing the word run and I giggled a bit.

"Running... why!?" I tapped his tummy.

"You need to loose a bit of weight. Only cause good clothes are smaller." He nodded and sighed. I pat his shoulder.

"Don't worry. It will just be you and I in the park far from school. Okay?" I said. He nodded easing up a bit. I nodded and looked at the time.

"Well... it'll get dark soon... your not safe here once it's dark. You should leave." He looked at me confused.

"I may be a geek but I'm still a man. If I'm not safe I definitely don't want to leave you here." My eyes widened and I smiled at what he said.

"Waaahhh! Your a natural. But I'm fine you know. I'm safe. Your not. So just go." He looked a bit hesitant so I started pushing him to the door.

"You gotta go~" I said. Once we reached the door I smiled then closed it. I started walking to the couch when I looked back and he was standing at the door. I sucked my teeth and opened the door.

"Dylan-Ah. You can go... really I'm okay." He nodded slowly after a while and started walking not looking away from the door. I looked at the window and he standing there. I stared at him till he finally left.

"Cute..." I giggled. Once it was dark I went in my room and locked the door. After a few hours the door slammed open and I sighed.

"Si! Make my boys some food!" I heard my older brother say. Him and his gangster friends always come here after they drink. I didn't answer and carried studying.

"Si! Where are you!?" I rolled my eyes and closed my book. I could hear his footsteps and then he knocked on the door and started slamming it.

"Si-ah! We're hungry! Come here before I get in there!" I opened the door and glared at him.

"Yah. Fix your face."  He said. I went to close the door but he stopped it with his food.

"Yah! Make the food!" He said. I glared at him more.

"I only cook for my brother-"


"Wench. Go cook or I'll beat you."

So... you live with your older brother. And he gets drunk and owns a gang.
I hope you enjoyed this episode guys!

To be continued...

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