Attraction Rose Oil Jar

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This spell is just to attract someone to you. Using a jar.

You will need the following items for this spell:

· Rose Oil

· Three red candles

· Lighter/Matches

· Large/Medium Jar

· Paper

· Pen

· Please note : This spell is just to attract someone to you, and by any means is not 100 percent guaranteed. Just like any spell.

· Steps: Place three candles on altar, table, or floor. Light all three with matches/lighter. On paper write I want to attract someone special towards my life, and let them come foward. Open the roads, so it shall. sign your name on the paper.

· With the rose oil pour into the jar and chant Let my spell be sent out with the scent of roses

· Everyday for the next three days at the same time or around the same time chant what you wrote on the paper. Which is I want to attract someone special towards my life, and let them come foward. Open the roads, so it shall.

· Make sure the three red candles you have are lit everytime you chant to empower the jar.

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