Attract Someone in Your Life

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This spell will help you attract good people into your life

You will need the following items for this spell:

· 2 pieces of paper

· Crayons

· A Jesus candle

· A lighter

· A mirror

· Tape

· A picture of Jesus Christ

· Have faith and believe that your spell will come true. With the lighter light the Jesus candle. On one of the pieces of paper draw a human and above the human drawing add symbols to represent the kind of person you want (for example if you want your person to be happy draw a happy face). On the other piece of paper write about your drawing and how you want this person to help you or benefit you in your life.

· Tape a picture of Jesus Christ on the mirror. Face the mirror holding your two papers: show your drawing to the mirror and read your paper. Say the following chant : I wish to have a person like this in my life I ask you Jesus in your name that you create for me a person like the one i drew and wrote about and send this person into my life . I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ amen .

· Now blow out your candle and untape your papers. Clean up. Have patience and keep having faith that the spell will work .

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