Chapter 2 (ROLE CHANGE)

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"Ah fer fuck's sake!" Chris yelled, accidentally hitting his head when he slammed his hand down on the alarm clock.
"Christopher, no profanity in this house!" his mother yelled to him from the kitchen.
Chris got up slowly and looked at himself in the mirror, seeing a tan, muscular teenager staring back at him. He ruffled his curly and silky brown hair and put on a shirt, skinny jeans, and dark leather boots. With his jacket loosely around his shoulders and his bag jostling against his legs, he headed out the door, kissing his mother while grabbing the bag of donuts she had prepared for him. Chris jogged to the coffee shop where he worked and entered, grabbing his apron from the hook and putting it on. "Ah Chris you're here!," his friend Elise said as she looked up from the cash register. He smiled and got to work, taking orders and mixing coffee. He looked around, seeing there were only a few customers in the shop. Chris loved this place, the smells of cinnamon and caramel, the warmth and coziness, and the jingle of the bells on the front door..He looked up realizing a new customer had come in and saw a pretty black girl, one of the regulars. He had never caught her name but he noticed how she always looked tired and sad when she came in. She walked up to Elise and ordered the coffee that she always ordered, then sat down and closed her eyes. "She looks so pretty and peaceful," he thought to himself, absentmindedly cleaning a mug. He heard the bells jingle again and saw a handsome dark haired man walk in. Chris expected him to order something, but instead saw the man walk up to the black girl and sit down. Chris raised his eyebrow and wondered if they were in a relationship. "Pfft, surely she wouldn't want an old bugger like that." he assured himself. He saw Elise out of the corner of his eye and realised she had seen his reaction. He quickly concentrated on his work but saw her grinning slyly at him. A few moments later, he jumped when he heard a clatter and looked up, seeing the girl looking shocked, and her chair knocked over. He was curious so he kept looking and saw them both run out. "Mm it must be a relationship problem."
"Oi don't look so disheartened," Elise said, slapping him on the back," Here, have a donut!," she said grinning. She held a donut out to him and he leaned down and grabbed the donut with his mouth, making her grin wider. Chris got back to work happily, until he saw the girl walk in, slowly back to her table and coffee. He saw the tears and dust on her face and grimaced. He sighed then took off his apron, walking to where she sat. He slowly sat by her and offered her a tissue. She looked away but quietly took the tissue and brushed away her tears, trying to hide her face. "H..Hey..what happened?" he asked, trying to look into her eyes.
" don't need to know what happened."
"Please I can help you"
"Pff as if"
He rolled his eyes, trying to remember that it was just her emotions that were making her bitchy. He glanced at her and saw a tired and sad look in her eyes again.
"I..I'm really sorry..I shouldn't act like that I know you're trying to help me," she looked at him, sorrow clearly in her eyes. He jumped, thinking he had made her sad and without knowing, grabbed her hands and held them. "No please! You're fine! I..It's my fault!" She seemed to like when he grabbed her hands and held his hand to her face, for a second forgetting what she was doing. Chris blushed and she saw, blushing too and quickly put his hand down.
"Sorry you should get back to your job. I don't want your boss to get angry," she said. He glanced over at Elise and smiled, trying to imagine her angry. She stood up, pulling her jacket around herself and finishing her coffee. Chris stood up with her, pushing his chair back in place. He headed back to the counter, pulling on his apron. He looked back at her and saw her leaving and called, "Wait, I didn't catch your name!" She turned and blushed saying, " name's Lia." He grinned while blushing madly while she turned again and left the shop. He daydreamed but got thrown back to reality when Elise slapped him on the back again and said, "I knew everything would turn out just fine, Chrissy." She smirked seeing his face when she called him his childhood nickname and scampered off, leaving him to his thoughts. He continued working until the end of the work day, thinking about what all happened nonstop. He pulled off his apron and messed with his hair, still thinking. He saw Elise pull off her apron and take out her ponytail, swishing around her hair. They pulled all their things together and left the cozy shop for the day, breathing in the cool afternoon air and joking with each other while walking down the street to their homes. Chris always walked with Elise to her home and after seeing she was fine, would walk back to his own house and greet his mother and play with his younger brother and sister. When he got home he jumped onto his bed and buried his face into his pillow, blushing crazily and grinning.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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