Chapter 1

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You never really register that you only live once, however many times you are told, you believe you live forever with no limit. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. Ironic that they are the most memorable words to me now.

Standing there in the classroom, 6 years ago. Chatting and laughing with Myfanwy, we were twins, inseparable. We were complaining about how boring the assembly had been, ending with the usual boring singing of All Things Bright and Beautiful. Myfanwy was doing an impression of Mrs Jones, our teacher singing and we were laughing uncontrollably!

Suddenly, we heard a rumble, like thunder. Mrs Jones yelled at us to get under the desks. Everyone was screaming. The windows were black. The roof caving in. Dust filling the air. The desks were rolling around the room. I grabbed at Myfawny and dragged her under my desk with me. Gripping tightly to her hand.


I opened my eyes. Claustrophobia set in as I realised I was buried under mounds of rubble. A desk was pressing on my back. I felt Myfawny's hand gradually slipping away from mine. No!

My leg was crushed beneath me as the desk was heaved off. A pair of strong arms reached down and grabbed me, dragging me across the rubble.

"Fawny!" I yelled out as I realised that she hadn't been rescued. "Fawny, where are you?!"

I collapsed to the ground sobbing as I looked at the remains of my school. Pantglas Junior School was no more. No more survivors were being dragged out, they had stopped looking. The firemen walked over and glanced at the small huddle of children, only 25 of us.

Then one man uttered the fateful words.

"That's it."

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