Malik ~ Drowning & Different Devils

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A/N: Listen to Little Me by Little Mix for Zara's part and Love Runs Out by OneRepublic for Zayn's.

Zara Jess Malik

My insecurities could eat me alive.

My guilt could eat me alive.

My fear could eat me alive.

I don't know how I can survive.

My thoughts could kill me.

My life is shamed.

I feel the guilt of killing my Uncle all over again.

And it hurts like hell.

That dream brought back a tsunami of memories, and most of all, guilt. I don't know why I feel guilty about killing the man who ra*ed me, but I do.

It's hard to keep breathing.

My thoughts don't sound like me, they don't sound like the Zara who told off Jake, the motherfucking princess who didn't give a shit, the girl who was brave.

She's so gone, the perfect girl is gone.

I'm afraid to go to sleep again. I haven't slept in days. I might be an insomniac.

I settle in my airplane seat, trying to distance myself from the girl next to me.

Close your eyes, Zara. You won't die, alright?

I listen to the voice in my head and shut my eyes.

"Hello, is that you?" A girl that has the sane height, length and voice as me walks over to me, face down.

"I'm Zara." I say, and the girl looks up, and I see it's me as an 8 year old.

"So am I. Hello." Other Zara waves and then gestures to two chairs, "Wanna sit down?"

"Alright." We both walk over and sit down, the silence covering us like a blanket.

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