Edwards ~Misery & The Future Hangover

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A/N: Listen to Trouble by Pink for Perrie's part and Oops I Did it Again by Britney Spears for Peter's.

Perrie Louise Edwards

          "Who said you were friends with me?"  Devilishly handsome Zayn leans in closer.

"Me, of course." I wink and cross my legs.

"Sorry Princess, I don't make friends." Zayn gives a dark chuckle and gives me a pointed look.

"And I don't take no for an answer, Zayn Malik." I adjust my seat and shut my eyes.

Perrie why did you start talking to him?

"Look, you just made yourself an enemy! Congrats Edwards." Zayn says in a fake happy voice. I shut my eyes and try to drown out his voice.

Perrie Edwards, where did you get sass from?

Beyonce, duh. My question is why'd you start flirting with him?

I wasn't, shut up thoughts.


"Why did you suddenly become, like, bipolar or something?" I know I shouldn't have  asked, but I just had to know. Zayn doesn't reply, and I sigh. This is going to be a long trip.

"Why did you suddenly, like, care?" He mocks my tone.

The sass is real Perrie, back off now.

"You know I don't sound like that." I scoff.

"Excuse me!" The lady behind me calls, and I turn around as best as I can to see her. She looks about 27 years old and she has short brown hair with brown eyes. "How long have you two been married for?"

"WHAT?" Both Zayn and I say in disbelief, and Zayn looks mortified.

"What the hell would you think we are married? Do we look like a perfect couple?" I gesture over to Zayn in disgust, but the woman just shrugs.

"You guys argue just like a married couple, it's cute." Zayn raises an eyebrow and smirks at the woman.

"Yes, we are married. We've been married for 7 years now.": My eyes widen and Zayn gives me a look that says: Perrie don't say a fucking word.

So I don't.

I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind...

Because you lost your fucking mind on a plane.

Perrie this guy's trouble.

Trouble is my middle name.

" Aww, how did he propose?" The lady coos, and I rush to reply before Zayn can screw it up again.

"He set the house on fire and the flames spelled 'Will you marry me?'." I keep a cool demeanor, and Zayn decides to go along with it. The woman looks at me, then Zayn, then at me. "Even though someone died, it was really sweet." I cuddle up to Zayn, who I met just less than half an hour ago.

"What did the ring look like?"

This girl is an idiot, but this is hilarious.

"It was absolutely gorgeous," I gush, "It cut off my circulation." Out if the corner of my eye I can see Zayn stifling a laugh, so I continue, "They had to saw it off of me at the hospital. Zayn suggested that he should just cut the finger off himself, but I said hospital." Her eyes get wide, and I can see the fear.

Take care, TCB!

"Now if you'll please excuse us," Zayn wraps an arm around me. "I'm about to fuck her, so if don't want to see live porn, I suggest you go." I try to keep myself cool, but on the inside, I'm a fucking mess.

Perrie, he's joking. We've got a bit of love/hate.

More hate then love, obviously.

"Miss, may I please move?" A flight attendant passes by, and the woman doesn't hesitate to ask. The attendant nods, and leads her to a seat at the back of the plane.

"Why the hell did you do that?" I quickly remove myself from his arms and turn on him.

"Because I saw you uncomfortable, not to mention you were pretty good, too." Zayn laughs and I glare at him.

"Well played Malik, well played indeed." I reach out to shake his hand, and he takes my small one into his large one. "I'm gonna get you back, I'm gonna get you back, yeah." I say in a singsong voice, referencing the old song.

"I'm seriously in misery sitting next to you, Perrie."

"Big whoop, let me find a fuck to give Zayn."

"You, my friend, are going to be good competition." I turn my head to Zayn, and laugh.

"Oh, so we're friends now?"


Peter Lucas Edwards

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, I'M NOT GAY!" Niall yells, and I cross my arms. "WE JUST FUCKING MET,  HOW THE HELL DO YOU....WHAT THE.... PETER," He angrily slaps the champagne glass out of my hand, much too my dismay, then he grabs my shoulders so that I'm facing him , "LISTEN TO ME, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?"

"Uhm, I-I liek ayooou!" I slur in a drunken stupor.

"Peter," Niall says, his features softening, "You're drunk, you can barely talk. You don't like me, okay?"

"IT'S GOTTA BE YOUUUUUU, I LIKE YOUUU!" I sing/yell, and Niall looks so done with me.

"Peter, chill out. You don't like me. Okay?"

"IT'S NOT FUCKING OKAY, I. LIKE YOU. DO I HAVE TO SPELL IT OUT?" I scream, waving my hands and causing a scene. " I. L-I-K-E," Niall cuts me off.

"Peter, no more drinks, how many have you had?"

"Eight..... or ten...... or maybe even twelve....." I try to think back to the number, but like everything else, it's fuzzy.

"Oh gosh, what the hell have you done?"


"No you haven't, and I wouldn't like too."

"Yeah, but I would." I lean in to kiss him again, but he backs up to the window quickly.

"I don't want to kiss you, Peter."


"Thank you. Now take a nap,I'm not going to care for your hangover."

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