Player got Played?Sike

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Alex pov.........
So I been calling and calling Izzy phone know answer so I decided to stop bye her house play this little Bitch a visit
Knock knock*
Who is it
Hey I didn't order nothing Alex what are you doing here I can to see what's up you havent answer the phone
Because i been busy
With what
None of your business
Oh well I thought she cut me off
Well you thought their was something between us but their wasnt you was just a fuck and pass sorry to hurt your feeling with I don't give a fuck but hop out my grin with that shit she yelled.
Look little Bitch I don't know who the fuck you think you are or some shit but Bitch you not talking to me you might want to be all hard but Bitch you don't know who you fucking with I will fuck you up so get your shit straight and fyi I could fucking care less about what happened between us I was just making sure you was okay but honey I do this shit  for a living you might want to take notes cause this what I do I fuck duck act like I care so I can fuck again and gosht your ass so honey you not nothing but another Bitch I can take off my list dont mean Shit I'm just here for the pussy but its okay cause your was dry and weak so just humble yourself ill see you around watch your back I got Niggas and bitches every fucking where you never know when you gone losse your life for the way you speak to people sweet dreams Bitch it won't be your last time sleep I said slamming the door leaving her speechless stupid bitch.

Look little Bitch I don't know who the fuck you think you are or some shit but Bitch you not talking to me you might want to be all hard but Bitch you don't know who you fucking with I will fuck you up so get your shit straight and fyi I could fuc...

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Iat pov.........
It won't be the last time you speak was the last thing Alex said before she left I was hurt and scared at the same time I like her a lot but I cant open up and get hurt again I'm sorry I just can't and no-one understand its all my fault I can't just let people live me because of her for 2 years with her was turtore I'm sorry Alex I'm so sorry please forgive me I got to call her
Ring Ring
You have reached the voice massage of Ayy whats up its Alex sorry I can't answer the phone right now ill call you later beep

The next day......

Band bang bang
Uh huh yes I said as I slung my door open
Why you was calling me all last night Alex said as she grabbed me by the neck and put me on the wall
Ahhh I moaned in a semi yell
You like that shit she said she just smirk and pick me up and took me to the bedroom
What are you doing
You owe me an apology and I know just the perfect way she said ass took off her jacket
I bit down on my lip thinking about the nasty things she could do to me
Mm I said as she roughly to off my clothes and started to take off her clothes and I notice her strap
She smirk
Thats not going in me how long is that
Yes it is and its 10 inches
Nope not going in me I'm a virgin I haven't
Its okay I'm a virgin two ill take it easy on you
Are you ready
She smirk
She put me into a pisition of her liking
Ahh I said as I could feel her at my entrance
Ahhhhhh I screamed at the of my lungs as she rammed into me like a beast
Mmmm I moaned
She started going like a beast in and I I could even scream cause every time I was about to scream she rammed in
Shhhh she said ramming it in
30 minutes later..........
Ahhh Alex I said
I'm gonna cum again (again😝)
Shhhh takes this dick
Ahhhhhhhh Mm mmm I moaned
Say my name
Alexxxx I said about to come
No say my name she said thrusting in so hard me pussy jiggled
DADDYYYYY ahhh fuckkkkkkk I said. As I cammmm
She pulled out and smirked
Bye she said and started putting on her clothes
I said I'm leaving
After what just happened
Alex pov.........
But I just gave you my virginity
Look I didn't make give me your virginity
Fine leave she walked in the bathroom and I could hear her crying
What she said
I'm sorry
Just go she said
Can I come in
No she said okay I said and walked in
I said you count come in got out
No I said
Kissing her neck
Stop she said as I continued to kiss her
I knew you liked it
Stop she smiled
I'm sorry
No I'm sorry
Lets lay down
For the rest of the night we chilled

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