WTF BRIT!!!!!!

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Jezel pov.........
So its been two months since I last talked to brit and I feel lonely and sad so I decided to go try and make up with my boo
                 Knock Knock
Brit I called through the peephole
                Knock knock
Brit? I said with a little consurn
Brit I shouted fuck it I said and took the extra key she gave me and unlocked the door
Brit I know you heard me call you why the fuck you didn't
I said running to her were she was passed out and all empty bottles of liquor surrounded her in her living room Brit Brit wake up !!!! Wake the fuck up I said tapping her face oh god no
Operater:911 whats your emergency?
Me:mmm hello
Operater:yes mam how can I help you
Me:I found my girlfriend in her house knocked out she won't wale up and she I surrounded by liquor botypes
Operater:what's the address
Me:1986 summerdale road
Operater:okay the paramedics will be thier shortly
                  End of call
Come on we gotta get you to the door I said pulling her to the door this Bitch was heavy when she wake up ima kick her mother fucking ass

               Later that day......
Mmmm is anyone her for Ms.Brittney English
Yes me I said standing up
She's up and she's okay just to much school she needs some rest but she s h would be find
Okay thanks doc can I see her
Of course
Her room is 255
               Knock knock I say
Yes who is it? She asked
Me I said coming in
Hey she said with annoyance
Hey I said
So why you here she said rudely
Why you here I snapped back
Mmhm ain't got nothing to say
Man whatever
This ain't no man whatever Brit you could have died if I didnt find you
You didnt find me I was home
That's not the point
Then what is she said cutting me off
Tje point is why the fuck was you drinking so much and almost killed yourself how could you drink so much whats going on how do you feel leave it to you to almost kill yourself
Look I don't have time for this
Then when will you have time for this   when you were dead or when you were burried six feet under huh cause you seem to make alot of fucking since Brit I said getting in her face I'm tired of your fucking shit talk to me or I'm out and you won't see me again

Wow nothing to say its okay I'm gone bye Brit I said walking out wiping away tears from my eyes I guess this means were over done whatever.

Brit pov..........
Seeing hereave the room broke my heart I just started crying nurse nurse I yelled
Yes get that girl that just walked out for me please
Okay she said and ran out
I just couldn't stop crying
            5 minutes later
Here she is said the nurse
Jezel I'm sorry I said crying it okay she said and came over to hug me as the nurse left please don't leave I begged
I won't she said
Move over she demanded as I moved over so she could get in bed and we both fell asleep.

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