Chapter 8: Hurt

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The atmosphere in the hospital was intense. Mr. and Mrs. Diggory were slumped over in nearby chairs sleeping and I was still here clutching Cedric's hand. Viktor, Fleur and Harry were in nearby beds sleeping right along with Cedric. Madame Pomfrey treated him and gave him a sleeping potion to better treat the side-effects of being placed under the Cruciatus curse. This had to be the first Tri-Wizard Tournament where all of the contestants were currently hospitalized and we had a tie. It seemed I had received my wish that Harry and Cedric would both win the Cup but the outcome didn't please me as much as I thought it would.

I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. My head turned and I was met with Neville's sad eyes. The reason for him being here was obvious. During the First Wizarding War Bellatrix, Lestrange inflicted the Cruciatus curse on Neville's parents. They weren't treated in time and both had gone clinically insane because of the curse. They are both at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries and Neville lived with his grandmother.

"I'm so sorry, Hermione." Neville said. "Any changes?"

I shook my head. "He hasn't woken yet. We won't know anything until he does."

"If he wasn't under it long, any damage shouldn't last long."

His voice grew quiet as he took in Cedric's state. His skin was paler than when he had entered the maze and his face was glistening with sweat. What I wouldn't give to see him healthy and smiling at me again. Neville was no doubt seeing his parents in this similar state if they had medical attention.

"Congratulations, by the way." He mumbled.

"Thank you." As much as I wanted to smile it felt odd with the condition Cedric was currently in.

He pointed his thumb over his shoulder. "I'm going to check on Harry. I'll talk to you later."

I nodded but otherwise remained quiet as I watched him walk over to where Harry was currently sleeping. Neville didn't wake him or disturb him, he simply pulled up a chair and opened his Herbology book and began reading quietly to himself.

It wasn't that Harry was in particularly bad shape. He had minor cuts and bruises from the maze and a long gash on his wrist that was currently bandaged. The main reason he was in here was for rest. Harry was simply shook up by the revelation that Voldermort was back and he had been a part of it, even if it was against his will. He was even more upset that Cedric had gotten hurt in the process. The way I saw it was, it could've been worse-neither of my boys could be here with me.

Next to Harry's bed was Fleur whose body had gone into shock after being dragged under by the branches. Her sister's head was laying on Fleur's thigh and they both were making gentle sounds as they breathed in and out. Madame Pomfrey wasn't concerned with Fleur's condition. She stated the slight coma was the best thing for her mind and she was certain she would be out of it before the end of term.

Across from where I sat on the bed, closest to Cedric was Viktor. He was in the best condition of the four of them. He was merely hospitalized for the rest after being put under a spell that caused him to lose his mind in the maze. Not to mention I think someone attacked him with a defense spell while he was bewitched.

My eyes fell back upon Cedric's closed ones and I noticed a fly away hair that fell over his face. I reached over and tucked it back into place and kept my hand on his cheek. He had warmed a bit since he first re-entered the clearing but there was still a chill to his body. I rested my hand back on where I still held his. My mind couldn't even imagine what would be in store when he came too. The frantic look in his eyes when he popped back in was enough to reduce me to tears. He looked so helpless and unlike the strong able man I was use to.

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