july 29th.

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Why could I not doze off right here? My head was in his lap, his on my knees. With me being five one, he's a whole foot taller. I have to get up on my toes to kiss him. Luckily, he realizes it ain't easy, and he'll lean down.

He was wording Forrest Gump, when he looked at me and while impersonating Forrest Gump, he said 'I love you, kimmay' I laughed so hard. I said "I love you too CJ" and smiled. Im not sure what happened to me but I stopped and thought what if he did? What if he wasn't just being silly? What if he really meant it? We had said it before but, this might have been the moment I realized I'm in love with him more than I realized. And the thought of him feeling the same way, gave me butterflies.

AN:OK so I was early. but oh well!


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