Chapter 2: Hospital

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Twice waited patiently outside of the room Tzuyu was in. The Dr came out

"We are sorry to inform you but Miss Chou has some kind of rare disease that puts the patient in a coma there is only a one percent chance they will wake up." Dr. Kim said. Twice nodded with tears in their eyes

"If you want you can see her." Dr. Kim said

"Thank you." Nayeon said. The doctor nodded and left

Twice walked into the room and cried. Tzuyu had to be hooked up to a machine to keep her alive.

For some reason, the person's heart stops while they are in the coma scientist and doctors can't figure out why. While the patient is in the coma their heart stops working and need to be hooked up to a machine to help them breathe.

Twice sat next to their maknae on the chairs. Nayeon and Jeongyeon were sitting on the farthest chairs in the room.

Momo and Sana were sitting next to Nayeon and Jeongyeon

Jihyo was sitting by Tzuyu stroking her hair trying not cry and stay strong for Twice and Tzuyu. Mina was sitting on the opposite side by Tzuyu doing what Jihyo was doing.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung were standing by the door. They didn't want to walk in and see their friend like that.

JYP had heard what happened and was talking to the doctors. News, and media sources were taking notice of the situation.

Twice didn't mind them at all. No one did they knew it was gonna happen.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung had finally sat down when Momo and Mina called them over. Jihyo had gone to go and buy food for everyone when she got a phone call from her parents


[Jihyo-yah what's going on?]

[Tzuyu fainted at M Countdown]

[What! Is she fine Jihyo-yah?"

[Yeah but she has a rare disease that put her in a coma]

[Alright just make sure you and everyone else get sleep]

[Ok eomma]

Jihyo ended the call and proceeded to buy the food. Jihyo made it back to Tzuyu's room and opened the door.

Every single one of the members were half awake and half asleep. Jihyo placed the food on the table in the room.

She sat at her spot and stroked Tzuyu's hair. Jihyo had noticed that Chaeyoung was fully awake now.


Jihyo looked at her and nodded

"How long is Tzuyu gonna stay in a coma?" Chaeyoung asked. Jihyo sighed and shrugged.

Jihyo grabbed Chaeyoung her food. Chaeyoung happily took it and ate it.

Jihyo smiled at her before looking back at Tzuyu. Jihyo had still been stroking her head. Jihyo remembered all the times when she stroked or played with Tzuyu's hair


Twice were having a movie night Tzuyu had laid her head on Jihyo's lap. Jihyo stroked her hair while watching the movie Tzuyu and the maknaes fell asleep.

*End of flashback*

Jihyo looked at Tzuyu and silently cried. Chaeyoung ended up falling asleep JYP walked in.

"Youse will be on hiatus," JYP said. Jihyo nodded

Everyone else soon woke up. They had to go back to the dorms

Everyone laid down and tried to sleep but couldn't. Tomorrow they were gonna have to tell Onces about what happened to Tzuyu.

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