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Hart's Bay is a small town

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Hart's Bay is a small town. 

If you squint at a map of the Eastern coastline, it's a black speck next to the sea that sits where the land curves in like a fishing hook. Most times, it can't be found at all. The only way to locate it is to approximate the distance between the two nearest cities and mark the halfway point. That's how small, how unremarkable, the town is. It's only mentioned relative to the things that surround it, and only ever by the few in the area who are aware of its existence. 

You would think, in a small town like this, that everyone would know everything about each other. After all, there are only so many neighbourhoods, schools, and stores to go to—only so many people to know—in this little black speck by the sea. 

But every summer, the town becomes bigger. City dwellers trade in their suits and dresses for swimsuits and sundresses, and flock to the beach for weekend getaways. The boardwalk begins to bustle with business: taffy is wrapped in glittery paper, pastries disappear before noon, cherries are placed on double or triple scoops. Suddenly, the town is brimming—no, spilling over—with people. With life. 

And that transforms Hart's Bay into a remarkable place, a town where the sea meets the sky like the unlikeliest of couples.


Eek, it's starting! I'm so glad you're here! Longer chapters just up ahead and I hope you'll stick around! 

I'd love to hear your first impressions of the town + of the story! Be sure to vote and let me know in the comments if you enjoyed reading + add this story to your reading list/follow to stay updated!  

WITH LOVE, your local tour guide

WITH LOVE, your local tour guide

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