Chapter 2

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Just for fair warning this story is mainly going to focus on Kara as I don't want to have to write what both her and Oliver are feeling. This will still be a Kariver book don't worry.

Kara woke with a start, gasping as memories of earlier flooded back into her mind as she got out of her sheets and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

She could see the glow coming from the sun as it rested just below where it started to rise over the fields. There's no way I'm getting back to sleep Kara though to herself as she stood up.

She put on her normal colors of red, orange, brown, and yellow. Some of her clothes had started to fade, like the yellow tank top she was wearing and the brown on her cargo pants. She slipped on her work boots and decided to walk around the grounds before everyone else started to wake up.

Her favorite part of the Amity compound was the orchard. It was home to many different fruit trees; mainly apple. This was the place that always helped her to relax the most. She and Alex would always come here and just sit in the branches of the trees.

They did after the aptitude tests, but it was different. Instead of Alex being loud and laughing with Kara the two just sat there in silence. Kara didn't know it but Alex was thinking about what choice she would be making the next day. The choice of leaving her family, the choice of leaving her friends, and everything she knows behind her; the choice of leaving Kara.

Kara now knew what she felt, the aching and gnawing feeling in your chest of knowing you're leaving everything behind.  How was she ever going to choose between Amity and Dauntless? She wished she had everything figured out like James and didn't have to think about it.

Kara could feel the heat on her back from the morning sun and climbed down from where she say in the branches. She plucked an apple off of one of the trees and walked back to the compound.

"Good morning Kara," Her adoptive mother Eliza said from where she was cutting up fruit.

"Good morning."


Kara thought she had done a pretty good job of hiding her nerves as she climbed into the elevator with her adoptive parents to the 20th floor of the hub. She let out a shaky breathe as the mass of people moved forwards.

Suddenly she looked up to see she was in a room split into five sections for each of the factions. Her adoptive parents each hugged her before going to sit with the other Amitys. Kara walked over to where the rest of the sixteen-year-olds were arranged in alphabetical order around the five factions.

She found herself in between a boy named Ben Curban and a girl named Iva Davies. Great, I'm near the front, Kara thought to herself as the leader of Abnegation: Lar Gand started to get into the history of the factions.

She looked across the room and spotted Oliver whispering something into a kids ear, which caused him to laugh. She looked back forwards as they started to read off names.

Soon only five kids stood between her and the five metal bowls which held: gray stones for Abnegation, water for Erudite, earth for Amity, lit coals for Dauntless, and glass for Candor. Each faction and the object that represented it were deeply tied together.

Kara heard her name through the ringing in her ears and looked up. It seemed everyone was staring at her, which they were as she made her way to the center of the room where the five bowls were. She carefully took the knife which was held out to her and ran it along her left palm. Her eyes started to water as she lifted it over one of the bowls.

Painfully slow the drip of blood from her palm landed on the flames of Dauntless. It sizzled as her blood boiled on the black of the coals and she dreaded looking back towards everyone. She, like Alex before her, had just betrayed her family. She heard cheers coming from the Dauntless faction as she made her way to the back where all the other initiates were.


Kara looked up as the last person made their choice; a girl from Candor who chose to stay. She followed the Dauntless as they made their way out of the building. They took the stairs, not out of being polite but as it was a game to them.

They burst through the doors and Kara almost started to laugh as the air hit her face, pushing her to go faster. She was quick for a girl so she was one of the first people to make it to the beams that held up the tracks. She saw all the Dauntless starting to climb so she quickly followed suite. She easily found hand and foot holds in the metal as she climbed. Once to the top she took in the way all the kids clambered up onto the metal to the side of the track.

She noticed that once they could see the train come around the bend that all the Dauntless had started to run. She quickly followed, she laughed as she saw  some of them grab onto the side of the train and force the doors open. They all quickly jumped inside as she grabbed the handle next to the door and slightly struggled bringing herself into the cart.

Suddenly strong hands wrapped around her arms and she was helped inside. She looked up to thank whoever did help her and was surprised to see her sister with a dopey grin on her face staring at her.

Kara was at a loss for words as she just stared at Alex for a second. Alex quickly grabbed her arm and brought her to the back of the car, bringing Kara down with her as she sat down.

"Wind entering the car will knock you over," She explained as Kara looked at her confused. "It's great to see you too."

"Yea, I feel the same way," Kara responded, feeling lighter then she had for days.

And your girls now in Dauntless. I hope I made this believable and didn't rush it too much because that would make me very unhappy. Word count: 1081

Selbstlose Liebe (An Arrowverse Divergent AU)☺Where stories live. Discover now