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"luna, wake up. you're going to be late for your first day back."

the said girl groaned, her eyes squinting at the bright light. she turned to the source of the voice to find her roomate, kim namjoon, opening her curtains.

luna let out a whine, burying her face into her pillow. "why are you doing this to me ?!" namjoon rolled his eyes at her child-like tantrum, pulling off her covers.

"wake up, or else i'm leaving you." luna waited to hear the sound of her bedroom door shut, but when she didn't, she slowly lifted her head to glare at the ajar door that namjoon had purposely done. he knew how much she hated her room door being left open.

groaning in annoyance, luna swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sat up. a yawn escaped her lips as she rubbed her face in an attempt to wake herself up.

bae luna, a first-year college student. studying fine art. kim namjoon, third-year college student. studying music. the two became roommates through a mutual friend who had set luna up on a blind date. after realising that the two were better off as friends, they became close friends before moving in together.

"do you have everything ?", namjoon questioned as luna slid into the passenger seat of his car. luna nodded her head, clipping on her seatbelt. her head fell back onto the headrest as she shut her eyes tight. namjoon glanced over at her before turning back to the road. "luna-"

"yeah. i did", luna answered before namjoon could finish his question. silence blanketed the two as luna's eyes peered outside.

"you know it's what's best for you." luna hummed, nodding her head. "luna-"

"i know. i know already so stop reminding me", she snapped, narrowing her eyes.

"but what if-"

"it won't. i won't let it happen again so drop it." luckily for luna, they had safely arrived at the school.

"i'll be late today..." namjoon trailed off, realising that his roommate had already exited the car. he chuckled, shaking his head.


"bae luna, you're late."

"i know."

"mind telling me why?"

"yes, i do mind."

the teacher sighed, slamming his book against the table. the classroom immediately silenced. as all attention averted the young girl who's gaze was fixed outside the window.

"look at me when you speak", he spoke through clenched teeth, causing luna to sigh.

"why? you're not that special, why must my attention be on you?" luna raised an eyebrow, her gaze not leaving the window once.


"mr. park?" the classroom door slid open as the vice principal entered, a student following him. "you have a new student." mr. park nodded, thanking the vice principal who had immediately exited the classroom.

mr. park sighed, patting the young boy's back. "yah, keep your head up. have confidence and introduce yourself."

mr. park turned to walk over to his seat before he paused in his step, turning to the girl who continued to stare at the world outside.

"bae luna, pay attention."

"yeah", luna sighed, turning her head to the front. her gaze fell on the fiddly boy who seemed to keep his gaze fixed on the ground.

"kim taehyung." the boy mumbled, bowing his head. hushed whispers spread like wildfire as the teacher instructed the boy to take the empty seat at the front.

luna raised a questioning eyebrow at the boy before leaning back into her seat, trying to hear the hushed whispers behind her.


"yeah, they found him with the knife in his hand."

"shouldn't he be in jail ? or a mental hospital ?"

"they couldn't find him guilty, he was set free."

luna sighed, leaning her head on the desk as she momentarily shut her eyes. knife? murder? who is this guy?

"luna?" the said girl lifted her head to see the new kid stood in front of her.

"what?", luna questioned, narrowing her eyes at the boy. he jumped at the harsh tone of her voice, his hands playing with the sleeve of his jumper as his eyes were fixed on the desk.

"the t-teacher paired us up t-together", he stuttered, mentally cursing himself for being such a scaredy-cat. luna sighed, nodding her head.

"fine - what choice do i have? what's the project on?"

as the two discussed their project, students could only watch in bewilderment at their interaction.

"daekbak, two murderers paired together."

4 O'CLOCK - K. TAEHYUNGWhere stories live. Discover now