Chapter 7

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Danielle Pov
I locked the door behind us and start to look around. What a small room with a lot of jewelry. Yui was catching her breathe, it's her fault dragging me with her but her heart was in the right place, I smile at her. Walking across the room to see a balcony with a creepy but fading lady dressed up in a purple dress. Wow not lonely are there vampires but ghost too, my I seeing things. I rub my eyes then walked over to a bookshelf. "Danielle take off your hoody, your sweating" Yui said, "Make sure you remember to take off that Breast Bender, you have on too much clothes" she finished walking over to the dresser. I blush then frown, "You don't have big boobs, no offense, so you don't have to worry about preverts" I said taking the hoody off and tying it around my shoulder. I looked at the different types of books. Suddenly the bookshelf shake and books falling out. Yui gasp, she was the one who fall against the bookshelf. "You okay" I ask looking down at her. She nod then pick up a book that fell. I walked back to the balcony and open it. The ghost is not here, I looked around, thank God. The rain has eased up now, I step out and close it behind me. I felt tiredness wash down on me. I yawn and shrugged it off. I need to sleep but not right now, I shake the sleep off. Looking off the balcony to see that we're two stories high. There are veins growing down the balcony. Yui and I can climb down, if it was me alone I could have jumped right now. Thank god that I'm not human. I turn around and open the balcony door "Hey Yui, I found away...out". I came in to find a unconscious Yui and six vampires. The six of them turn to me. I smile nervously "Uhmm... don't mind me... continue what you were doing" I said backed up into Reiji. I froze when his breathe hit the back of my neck "Like I told your sister, your never going to leave here". My eyes are shutting down. I pull away from him 'shit not know' "What time is it?" I asked yawning. They were taking back at what I just asked. "Aren't you scared" Subaru said. I walked up to him "Asked *yawn* me this later, *yawn* right now catch me" I said falling into his arms 'nonono' then I was out like a light.

Third Pov
They boys were taking way back at the cute chubby girl that fell into Subaru's arms. "This girl is going to be interesting" Shu said chuckling. They all nod in agreement. Then they gave the girls to the maids.


Hey I updated

Here a little information on Danielle; when she's sleepy, she just fell asleep on the spot because she's in her human form and she get tired often....oh and here's a tip on what she is
She's half ???? And half ????

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~ Ashely

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