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Name: Yukiji Monozono

Age: 15

Birthday: December 25

Nicknames: Yuki, Yukiji, Princess, Lady Yukiji, Mistresses , that women, Celestial Maiden/Fairy, Elder sister, Yukiji-hime, Miko, Shrine Maiden, human, Yukiji-san, Momozono-san, Yukiji-chan, Little princess

Alignment: Good

Alias: Human God, Mikage's successor, land God

Height: 5'1

Blood Type: B

Occupation: Land God, high school student(formerly)

Ancestor: Yukiji, Hiiragi, Hiiragi's daughter

Relatives: Momozono(father), Kumimi Momozono(mother), Nanami Momozono(big sister)

Love Interest: Tomoe

Familiar: Mizuki and Tomoe

Home: Mikage Shrine

Status: Alive

Shikigami: Ciel

Likes: Her friends, being a land god, her sister, helping others, swans, sewing, tea parties, art, royal blue, magic, Mizuki, the outdoors, ballet, ice dancing, snow especially on Christmas, stars, reading, propeller plums, Kuruma

Dislikes: Being clumsy, being doubted, making mistakes, breaking promises, loved ones in danger, not possessing what she values, Mizuki scared, being betrayed, Tomoe's fox fire, bad sportsmanship, Tomoe's conclusion jumping, pigheadedness, messes, Tomoe's bad temper, rudeness, prejudice, letting loved ones down, scaring herself silly, newts, bullies

Yukiji is shown to have a two-sided personality: One side is that of a softhearted idealist. Yukiji is shown to be very kind and compassionate. She is also shown to be loyal to her loved ones to the point of altruism. She is also willing to befriend people the large majority refuse to have anything to do with.

She also believes in keeping promises no matter what. She also shows her affections by giving her loved ones warm hugs.

The other side of her personality is that of a hard-headed pragmatist. Yukiji is shown to be precocious young women who believes that proof is in the pudding. This fuels a side of her that is very investigative and skeptical. She tends to try to juggle more then she can handle, especially when it comes to her friends, and values making herself as multifaceted as possible. This side also gives her trust issues that make her go off on her own without telling anybody and keep secrets due to how her and Nanami were raised.

There is a smaller third part of Yukiji's personality that she tries to hide: Her vulnerable, scared, and worried part. Many times Yukiji's vulnerable side has made her question if she truly belongs to be a land god.

She has a tendency to worry about her own self-worth and if she can handle being a god. While she doesn't get scared often, when she does she will lose some of her confidence, which can cause trouble for her

Although a young women, Yukiji has displayed various skills and abilities

Various skills: Yukiji has learned many outdoor skills growing up, such as wood-gathering, identifying various herbs, survival skills, etc.

Leadership: Yukiji displayed potential and competency as a leader, when she led Akura ou throughout the underworld wothout any fear. Yukiji, however, often has difficulty seeing other people's viewpoints, but if she knows those views, she uses them well to her advantage. She also, especially with Tomoe, is good at winning arguments over opinions on how things should be run. Yukiji has recently proven to be good at thinking through how to solve difficult tasks. Yukiji easily takes advice and learns well from experience.

Athletic Prowess: Despite initially being clumsy, Yukiji has that she possesses superb athletic prowess. She was strong enough to fling both Tomoe and her out of a tree after making them kiss, despite the fact that they are bigger. This physical strength is due to her sportsmanship and, for her arm strength, and her fencing. She also possesses great stamina as shown when she marched through the underworld with Akura ou, a feat that easily tired out Akura ou. She is able to airlift a grown man wearing armor. Her prowess really scares Tomoe sometimes.

Discipline: Yukiji has an unusually high level of maturity and self-control for a women for age. She is able to remain calm in most situations and rarely loses her temper. Yukiji achieves this by thinking "sunny thoughts".

Frigid Temperature Tolerance: Unlike her sister, Yukiji is shown to have a remarkable tolerance to the cold, she dressed up in a clock during the winter as a child whereas her sister had to wear a lot of warm clothes, and she was not shivering in the underworld when sitting next to Akura ou after getting out of the lake.

Swordsmanship: Yukiji is shown to be skilled with a sword. This is due to taking fencing classes.

• Mechanical Skill: Yukiji has shown remarkable mechanical ability.

Sewing: Yukiji is a very talented seamstress. She is able to expertly craft her own swan costume as a child for Halloween.


Mizuki: He loves her like a brother and sister. He is often hugging her smiling due to how close they are. Yukiji would do anything to keep him safe and doesn't like it when he is harmed.

Ciel: They have a loving and don't like to see each other hurt but Yukiji sees him as her child while Ciel sees her as his mother.

Kuruma: He is often flirting with her whenever he sees her but Yukiji just smiles amd giggles at him not minding.


Yukiji likes cute things like small children and babies or cuddle-like animals.

• Yukiji loves all kinds of horror movies

• She often helps Tomoe out around the shrine even tho she may get tired

• She often helps Tomoe out around the shrine even tho she may get tired

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Her shikigami

Please tell me what you think! This is my first Kamisama Kiss book and I really want it to be good

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