The Last Time

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Illumi slipped into the same room for the third time. The girl was sitting on the edge of her bed with a book in her hands. A single candle burned for light. The light flickered and went out. She looked up. For some reason Illumi got the impression that she knew he was here. She sighed.

"I know you're there." She said softly. Her voice so quiet and high that you would have thought she was singing a song.

Illumi said nothing, a small object clutched in his hand.

"Why do you keep coming back? Can't you just leave me alone?"

Still no answer.

"Alright...please just get it over with."

Illumi didn't really know why he stepped out of the shadows. The girl looked at him, probably surprised that he showed himself. He could see her limbs tense, preparing for the eventual outcome. Yet, Illumi just stood there, thinking. He had to give Kill a little more time after all.

His soulless gaze flicked over to her, looking her over. She looked like a delicate china doll. Her pale skin glowed in the moonlight. Her parents clearly didn't let her out much. She was a petite child as her legs barely reached the floor when she sat on the bed. The child's nightgown looked like the same from before, but he could clearly see it now. It fell loosely around her form and the sleeves only went half way down her arms. It appeared to be made of silk. His eyes flitted to the hands in her lap. She gripped the dress so hard her knuckles started turning white. If you looked close enough you could've seen her shaking. She tried not to look at Illumi, but that was hard. For a single moment his emotionless black eyes met her pale blue ones. She instantly flinched away. The kid's fear was so thick he could practically smell it.

Illumi felt a soft buzz come from his pocket. It was Kill reporting that it was finished and asking where he was. That was his signal to meet his younger brother. First he had to collect what he was sent here for.

Silently he strode over to the girl who now refused to look at him. Her small frame shook with fear as he approached. Clearly she was not used to having people come back multiple times, or get this close. Out of his pocket he drew a small, white, and mildly damp cloth. Looking up she seemed to finally understand what was going on. He wasn't killing her. Grabbing the child's wrist he yanked her back, clamping the cloth over her mouth and nose. She struggled, trying her hardest not to breathe in, but to no avail. Eventually she was forced to inhale and the chemical went to work sending the child into a state of unconsciousness.

She slumped like a sack of potato's on the ground. Illumi waited a moment before removing the cloth, just making sure she really was out. Picking her up her slung her over his shoulder like a rag doll. The child weighed practically nothing to him. Then he left without leaving a trace of their presence.

Killua was waiting outside the house. The only evidence of the crime was the few drops of blood that still remained on his fingers. He raised an eyebrow as Illumi approached with the girl draped over one shoulder. Illumi offered no explanation only handed Killua the Chloroform soaked rag to clean off his hands.

Seeing that he wasn't going to get an explanation by default, Killua began to question his older brother. "What's with the girl?"

"Dad wants to see her."

"Why? He never takes interest in target's kids."

"She was the target."

"What? Why?"

"We don't question our employers." Illumi reminded him.

"If they want her dead why are we taking her?"

"Dad is interested in seeing her."


"She possesses an interesting ability."


Illumi glanced at him, but didn't repeat himself. He knew Killua heard him. Without warning he picked up the pace, running back toward the mountain. Even with the girl on his shoulder, who he had to have been holding onto with a vice-like grip, Illumi ran just as fast as his younger brother. If they hurried they could get home before she woke up.

It was cold. It was hard to move. This wasn't how it usually was. There was dull pain, but definitely not THAT. So I hadn't died. If not, what happened. Where was I? My home was never this cold.

I hoped that I would open my eyes to find the white curtain above my head. I prayed that Maria would come in to wake me any second now. I believed with all my heart that the warm sun would come and kiss my face. Though, deep down, I knew that wasn't the case.

Slowly I opened my eyes. I was greeted by a dull light that swung overhead. The air was damp and I could faintly smell wet earth pressing in all around me. The room I was in was small, but it was hard to see in this dull light. There was a thick chain wrapped around my ankle. It rattled as I moved and rubbed against my ankle in an uncomfortable way.

A single, rouge tear made its way down my dirty cheek. I didn't understand what was going on. It was always the same. They came. They killed. They left. Nothing more and nothing less. Why was this time so different? My mind was still trying to heal from the surprise attack earlier, but all of this was more than I could bare. I felt disoriented and dizzy. The dehydration definitely didn't help. My lips were cracked and dry.

Eventually I stopped trying to understand, which was hard. Curling up in a corner I did my best to keep warm and heal. More tears slipped from my eyes and I made no effort to keep them in. I wished I was back home.

Time passed. I couldn't tell how much, but in the end I was 'graced' with company. The door creaked as it scraped across the floor. That made me worried. It was clearly a heavy door. I looked up from place and examining the two people before me.

The first was a large man. His hair fell in long ripples around his shoulders and his eyes resembled those of a cat. I shrunk back in fear because this man gave me an intimidation glare. I pressed my back into the corner and wrapped my skinny arms around my knees.

The second was a slender woman. She was wearing a long, large dress. It was a distasteful shade of yellow with ruffles surrounding it. On her head was a large hat. Her pale hands held a strange looking fan. I couldn't see her eyes.

My eyes darted from one to the other like a caged animal before its captors. I didn't have the courage to speak out and ask them what was going on or why I was here. Something about their presence made me keep my mouth shut.

"She's not much to look at, is she?" The woman commented.

"No. That doesn't matter though."

"She's frail. I can't see her standing much of a chance against any of us. Not even the butlers"

"True, but there are things we can do about that."

They carried on their conversation right in front of me as if it didn't matter that I was sitting right there. The woman seemed to be much more high strung and sensitive than the male. I got the feeling he didn't enjoy her nagging.

Suddenly, without word or warning, I felt something like a sharp blade swipe across my arm and cheek. Blood flowed freely from the open wounds and I gasped in shock. Tears welled up in my eyes from the sharp pain. I moved slowly to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, but was halted by a single word.


I shrank back even further not wanting to incur their wrath. The red began staining my white gown as the blood blossomed like a red carnation on the soft fabric. They stared at me for at least fifteen minutes as my vision started to blur.

"So it's not a healing ability." One concluded. "I'll send one of the butlers with some bandages."

Then they both left without actually saying a word to me. Not that I actually minded. I was too scared to even think of saying a word to them. The room began to spin as I struggled to stay awake. It didn't do any good though as the pain coaxed me to the darkness.

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