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Annie's POV:

After we got off of the carpet, Hayden and I went separate ways. He went with Rush and Caden and I went with my friends. We were currently sitting on the chairs and stuffing our faces with popcorn. We were in the middle of a heated argument about which ship was better in FRIENDS when Indi stopped mid-sentence as her phone buzzed. She looked to see what is was and her entire face lit up. Everyone else was still deep in our friendly debate, but I was curious so I asked her what was making her so happy.

Ri: Woah Woah Woah! Mondler is my OTP!

A: Yeah! Their relationship actually lasted!

H$: But what about Rachel and Joey?

M: They had like two episodes! Ross and Rachel are definitely goals!

I: Guys we all know that Phoebe and Joey had something going on!

A: Not in the show they didn't!

I: You didn't see their never-ending flirting!

M: I think you mean non-existent!

A: I'm with Mads, but the flirting was real with Monica and Chandler!

H$: Let's say maybe unrealistic!

A: Uh beep beep BACK UP!

I: Hayley's right, If anything, Monica should've ended up wi-


I: *looks down at her phone and squeals*

A: You okay?

I: I can't stop smiling!

M: Anyway! Ross and Rachel were married!

Ri: They were drunk!

H$: Yeah Rachel had a mustache and Ross had cat whiskers!

M: It was still adorable!

A: Guys! What do you think is wrong with Indi?

Ri: I don't know, she's smiling too big for it to be a nice comment!

M: Too small to be a notification that she won a million dollars!

H$: Too toothy to be a sale on shoes!

A: I think I got it!

M/Ri/H$: What?!

A: It's a boy!

M: Ooh which boy?

I: It's not a crush! It's Austin! He's coming to the premiere!

A: Oh yay...

Ri: What was that about Annie?

A: Well Austin is obsessed with me he's always texting me, sending heart emojis and WAYYY too many XO's and he's always calling me babe. I've tried everything to show him that he is going to stay in the Friendzone, but he just won't give up!

H$: Wow...it must suck to have a guy be obsessed with you!

M: Wow H$, the sarcasm is real!

Ri: But that was good! *high fives Hayley*

I: Oh C'mon he can't be that bad!

A: But he is...

Hey guys! Please check out lexa1025 and read "Chemistry" you won't be disappointed! ~Faith 💛💛

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