
18 1 1

When he saw his number, his stomach plummeted, and he was scared.

Elias Graham Vita is ordinary. Ordinary grades, ordinary looks, ordinary family. But he wasn't as ordinary as he was comfortable with. Elias can see what they all couldn't see—and no, he is not talking about ghosts.

Elias can see danger.

..okay that sounded stupid, but it's true. He can see the levels of danger of anyone with a single eye contact. A newborn would be 0 or 1, an ordinary person would be approximately 4-5, and criminals such as murderers, rapists, and all would be 7.

The numbers that he sees just appears on top of each person no matter if he only saw them on tv or in real life. His group of friends range from 4s to 5s, his grandfather is a 4, and his baby cousin is 1. He couldn't see his own level though, he tried by looking into a mirror or a photograph of himself, and yet nothing. He guessed he must be around 5 like his friends.

But yes, otherwise the whole “i can see how dangerous you really are” ordeal, Elias was ordinary.

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