Those 17 Things I Never Heard

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Those 17 things I never heard.

Dear Jeremy,

“What if tomorrow, you’re not there?”

I never had to ask myself this question because you never gave me the reason. Lots of people think that we were never meant to be, but also we always told them otherwise.

In our relationship, I never gave you the chance to say so many things you wanted to, mostly because I had a feeling we read each other’s minds. I realized that you only said 17 things before you left, not died; just left me. Since our marriage was arranged we didn’t have much time to ‘get to know each other’.

Given we only knew each other for 26 days.

At first, I was afraid we wouldn’t get along, but soon I came to know you weren’t the type to have short time flings.

Remember when we went by the “Lagoon le blah” and I told you that I loved you?

The first thing you told me was, “I love you more than you can imagine and-.”

But instead of you completing your sentence, I cut you off with a soft kiss. I wish I hadn’t, since I long awaited when you actually spoke to me.

The term “actions speak louder than words” totally applies to you.

Oh, and that time when my parents and your parents met before our engagement, on day 10 of knowing each other. My father spilt the jasmine water on your father; your father was furious.

“Told you he’s a klutz, didn’t eye?” your father whispered in your mother’s ear, well barely whispered; everybody from a 5 foot radius could hear him loud and clear.

I rolled my eyes and your hands wrapped around mine comforting me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but”

“That your father is harsh?” you nodded disappointedly “Don’t worry about it…Mine is too” Although I lied and he really wasn’t.

Right,” you croaked, unconvinced by my tone.

Although I didn’t want to be one of those brides who had in-law issues, but I also wishes on my last eyelash that I didn’t have in-laws at all. Yet, that was mean because they’re your parents and you love them; I think you love them. Do you love them? I won’t judge if you don’t, just saying.

Remember when we used to finish each other’s sentences and our friends would marvel at our love and envy us for what we had?

Or when we used to find things about each other that married people should already know?

“When did you get this tattoo on your ankle?” my eyes widened and my heart slowly raced at slow paces.

Before…” you mumbled loud enough for me to hear. Although you knew it bothered me that you had it, you still kept it because you were stubborn that way…

Really for a couple who only met each other 26 days, 23 nights and 2 hours (in the counting) it’s good we connected so well. Of course until you left me…

I really wonder why you did that, I thought we were getting along so well. With all the secret sharing and late night talks, it was a wonder that you were bothered. Maybe it was the fact that I spoke too much and that you spoke too little. Or was it the fact that 26 days wasn’t as long as you wanted things to go?

I admit we got married fast, but isn’t that what you wanted?

I…” You started one cold Sunday.

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