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  A child's cries echoed into the crowded abyss. Surrounding being's ignored her existence entirely, until a think fog tainted with black discovered her. The mist circled the weeping girl with curiosity and began to search the very depths of her soul. Pure it thought, but barley.

  The tears that rolled down the child's cheeks suddenly ceased as she lifted her head. Her sorrow laced eyes were almost instantly filled with wonder at the sight of it. Hesitantly, she reached out until the tips of her fingers briefly grazed it, only to then quickly yank it back to her cheast. She then examined it closely, as if she expected it to be gone. After only a few moments of comfirmation, she repeated the movement only this time, leaving her hand.

  Slowly she relaxed and started to play with the mist as it stay there, silently observing. Her tanned hand danced in it as is if it was the darkest night, and she, the most beautiful swan. The mind she possessed was filled with innocent and curiosity, but it could only question her ignorance.

  "What are you?" she spoke, her voice raspy and hardly above a whisper. The fog noticed it was almost bland. It then did something it would usually never consider. It answered. Your strength if thou allow it be. To its amusement her eyes didn't even flinch at the sound of it's hollow voice. It couldn't help but like her even more then. Do we have a deal?

  Special shout out to LightVoid for inspiring me to actual write something again. More conetent on the way shortly. Thank you and hope you all look forward to the update *cough cough* it's a big one *cough cough*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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