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ISHRA entered into the house smiling and doing their small chit chat. Toshi asked them why they are so late, she had made their favourite dishes for dinner.
Romi-bhai bhabhi please go freshen up and come fast otherwise today no one will get dinner. I had already waited for 2 hours, now I can't wait anymore.
Raman doesn't know how to say that they had their dinner already.
R- maa... Actually me and Ishita...
Toshi- what....
R- we had our dinner from outside
T- got sad listen to this, Mr. Bhalla came to Raman and said, puttar you can atleast informed us. Your mother was doing preparations from the morning just to serve you both your favourite dishes. She even didn't let us touch the food because she wants us to eat together. This is not what I expected from you Raman.
R- got sad that for the first time his parents got disappointed from him.
I- maa... I didn't take my lunch today and I was too hungry after office that I insist Raman to take me for dinner and We totally forgot to inform you.
T- shw doesn't want to stretch  the topic so she said it's ok Ishita... You both go and sleep, it's too late, you both have your office also tomorrow.
I- hold Raman's hand and take him to the room with herself
R- sat on the bed disappointed with himself
I- Raman what's the big deal, why are you so sad, I had told sorry to maa and she forgave us too
R- you will not understand Ishita. For the first time I make my family disappointed
I- Raman now you are married, there will be some changes in your life and your family has to accept it. You can't be a mumma's boy for all the time
R-please Ishita.. it's not about mumma's boy but still it was my duty to inform maa because no one had their food till late just because of us.
I- it's ok Raman. Next time it will not happen, now cheer up, I don't like this sad Raman. You look good only when you smile and even sometimes when you scolds me
R- he smiles, thanks Jaan
I- what thanks... I am your wife, no need of thanku between us.
R- he side hugged her and said I love you
I- I love you too

Next Day,
In office, both ishra were in their respective work area. Ishita is doing her work when peon came and told her that her superior is calling her. She nodded and left.
She reached in the cabin when her superior show monthly work report of hers.
Her superior told that she is very much disappointed by seeing her below average performance but Ishita told that targets were already unbeatable as she was asked to hire best candidates for low salary which is not possible. She gave some suggestions to lure candidates which irks her superior. She shouted on her which makes Ishita angry. She told she can't take unnecessarily scoldings of anyone. Her superior told her to get out of the job if she can't take all this.
She left the job angrily and left office without informing anyone.

In evening,
Raman is waiting for Ishita, when he sees Mihika, he asked from her where is Ishita.
Mihika- jiju,she had already left the office in morning itself. I thought she had informed you
R- got tensed listening to this, he called her but she is not taking his any calls. So he calls her mother and asked about ishita but she informed him that she is not at home making him more worried.
Mihika told Raman that may be Ishita had gone to her appa house. He immediately sat in the car and drove towards Iyer house.

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