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Raman took sweets to their room and saw Ishita sitting on the bed angrily.
R- hey Ishita.... See I brought your favourite gulab jamun made by maa
I- looked at him angrily and said I am not in a mood to eat these gulab jamuns
R- may be you are not... But my baby loves to eat it. He took gulab jamun from bowl and put in Ishita's mouth.
I- she tried to protest but as soon as she got the taste, she ate it happily making Raman also happy
R- see I told you my baby would love to eat these gulab jamuns, you were throwing tantrums unnecessarily
I- it's not your baby but I love gulab jamuns that's why I ate them. She snatched the bowl from Raman's hands and starts eating remaining gulab jamuns
R- he was looking at her lovingly and thought, Ishita I know you also love me and our family but you were just instigated by your appa. I hope till the time our baby arrive into our life, you will accept our baby and family both.

Later, when ishita emptied the bowl, raman told her to get ready.
I- I don't need your help, I will go to my office by myself
R- hold on Ishita... Firstly we are going to a good gynaecologist to know more about your pregnancy
I- Dr. informed you already that I am pregnant, now what you want to know ??
R- Ishita... We even don't know from how long you are carrying the baby. I want to know do's and don'ts list for us as I don't want any risk for my baby
I- her eyes become moist and thought, Raman you only care about your baby. You didn't even think to ask from the doctor about my health.
R- I am waiting outside in the car, firstly, we will go to doctor and she gives a green signal that you can continue your work without harming my baby, then I will drop you at your office and left from there

Raman's POV
I know ishita, you were thinking me as a selfish who only cares about his baby but if I show you my care and love, then I know you will behave stubbornly with me which your appa was/is doing from your childhood. He treats you as his baby even now but now you are a woman who needs to see every aspect of life whether they are beautiful or not.
After sometime, Ishita and Raman both reached to a gynaecologist.

Dr.- welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bhalla, how may I help you
R- Dr. my wife is expecting our first child and we want to know more about her pregnancy
Dr.- sure, Mrs. Bhalla you please come with me for a check up
Ishita got nervous when Raman asked, may I accompany you?
I- No thanks... You only worry about your baby, I don't need your support and left
R- got disheartened listening to her but he knows she is behaving like this because he asked for their baby only and smiled.
Later, doctor informed them that there is no complications in Ishita's pregnancy and she is seven weeks pregnant.
R- thank you doctor and can she continue her job
Dr.- yes, why not. One more thing, you both avoid any intercourse till her first trimester.
After that, you both can do it, but dont strain her and avoid those s*x positions where you have to put your body weight on her.
Both blushed and uncomfortable also because of the today's incident.
Dr.- seems you are blushing but it's my duty to instruct you both about this.
R- thought to tease Ishita, and asked from doctor, no nothing like that, Dr. can you please tell me which s*x positions I shouldn't do as I don't want to take any risk with the baby
I- got shocked listening to him but Raman was asking non-stop questions from doctor about various s*x positions making Ishita embarassed. She told him that she is waiting for him in the car and left.
Raman smiled naughtily to see Ishita as her face was red due to blushing and embarassment.
He also got the chance to ask from doctor about Ishita's health. He took diet chart for Ishita and proper do's and don'ts list so that he can take care of her properly.

In car,
He was smiling naughtily when he felt her gaze on him and said, why are you staring at me?? I know I am handsome and hot
I- come out of your bubble Raman and what were you talking to doctor??? About s*x positions... Chee... How embarassing it was. And don't you dare to even touch me. I am living with you just because you want this baby and after that I will be free from you for always. She said all this with moist eyes.
R- listening to her harsh words, he got shattered but didn't speaks a single word making Ishita uneasy.
The drive  was for about half an hour and in this time, Raman didn't speak a single word, he stopped his car and said, go you have reached to your office. She so wants to talk with him but all morning incident flashed in front of her and got down from his car.
He stopped her and she got happy that he wants to talk with her.
R- don't come by yourself, I will pick you.. so wait for me and left.

Raman POV
Ishita, your stubbornness makes me scare that I may lost you for forever. I hope you will soon realise that I love you also not only my family and our baby. I love you Jaan...

Ishita POV( In her cabin)
Earlier he used to ignore my feelings for his family and now he just love this baby. She touched her flat belly and said I am jealous of you baby that your papa loves and care for you only and totally ignoring me.

Ps-  I am disappointed from the response even for my other stories. So I am taking a break from my all stories just for sometime and will again update you as even I am hopeless with my new found excitement of writing.😝

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