3. Amidst all the chaos

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"Hey." A hand clasped down Nandini's shoulder. She turned around and groaned when she saw it was Aryaman. "What is it?" Nandini asked.

"I just wanted to see you before leaving the college and I thought you may have an ice cream with me." Aryaman smiled.

"And what makes you think so." Nandini scoffed.


"No." Nandini denied.

"I have to use my ways then." Aryaman smiled mischievously, looking around the busy corridor.

"Bring it on." Nandini said before walking away and that was when Aryaman got on his knees, clasping his hands together, "Nandini please please please please." He yelled, gaining the attention of everyone present out there.

"Nandini please." He said it even more louder. Nandini stomped her foot totally irritated with his fake pleases.

"She trapped one more guy."

"I wish I could be in her place." The hushed whispers of the students could be heard.

Ignoring everything, Nandini walked away.
She went to the parking area where Manik was waiting for her.
"What took you so long?" Manik asked opening the car door for her.

"Was just stuck up with something." Nandini sighed.

Manik sat in the car and started it. All the way Nandini was lost in her own thought. It's been two years since Manik and me are together and till now we have been fighting with every single odd. And now out of nowhere Manik's ex best friend approaches me. I am not getting good vibes.

Her thoughts came to halt when Manik applied the brakes. She looked outside only to see they had stopped in an ice cream parlour. "Manik I don't feel like having ice cream today."

"I just need to collect a file from here so no choice you have to have one with me."

"Okay." Nandini couldn't even deny.

"And I am needed in the office for two days and I guess I will be busy so..."

"I understand. I can stay alone."

"No I don't mean that I mean." Manik bend down towards her level and placed his lips on hers. With one hand he supported her back while the other one was at the back of her head, pulling her closer. He kissed her but it was so sudden that she sat stiff with her eyes squeezed shut. On not getting response he deepened the kiss and bit her lower lips, leaving a good teeth mark. And that was when she too started responding.

After what felt like eternity, he pulled away leaving her breathless and ruffled her hair with a content smile on his face. "Manik Malhotra stop messing my hair." Nandini pouted irritatedly.

"You are too cute. I want to kiss you again." Manik bend a bit but Nandini covered her lips and nodded her head in 'no' to which Manik laughed.

They entered the ice cream parlour and Manik went to the counter to give their order. He paid the money and grabbed their ice creams. "Here is your order ma'am." Manik said, handing her ice cream to her and Nandini just smiled.

"You had to take a file from someone right?" Nandini asked.

"Did I hear file?" They heard a familiar voice. Manik looked up and groaned on seeing Aryaman.

"Why are you here?" Nandini asked.

"To give this files." Aryaman said showing the files to Manik.

"Hand it over and go." Manik scoffed. He was totally irked on knowing their new project partner was Aryaman and moreover to add fuel on fire his dad didn't even think of informing him once.

"Umm not before having an ice cream." Aryaman took a seat beside Nandini.

"It would be better if you sit on the other table." Manik scowled.

"But I wanted to have it with Nandini." Aryaman said, facing towards Nandini. He winked at her while Manik pounced his fist on the table gaining everyone's attention.

"Manik let's go." Nandini got up from her seat only to be pulled back by Aryaman. "I just want to spend some time with you." He said looking at her intently and for some reason Nandini too stared back at him.

The very next moment Aryaman was pushed aback. Obviously our monster Manik pushed him.

"I don't want to fight with you but I guess you wouldn't understand without getting a good lesson." Manik grabbed his collar while Nandini held Manik's hand in order to stop him. "Manik leave him."

"This is not a fighting zone." The owner came in between to separate them. Manik left his collar and adjusted his jacket, before leaving the parlour.

All these chaos had created a havoc inside Manik. His anger had reached it's peck. While driving back home, his mind was least focused. He drove horrifically. Whether stopping or starting, everything happened with a tremendous jolt. Nandini flew against the seat belt of his car each time he applied the brake, and her neck snapped backward every time he hit the gas. It was not the first time she was experiencing his horrific driving.

She knew it very well he was venting out his frustration. She let him drive however he liked because she knew it was the best for now.

Meanwhile, "It's too late Manik...now we can't avoid each other neither can we stay friends. Whether we want or not we will end up fighting with each other." Aryaman contemplated before he too left the parlour. "Nandini Murthy you have more or less become like a challenge and I accept this challenge. You will be mine one day."

What will happen next?

Keep thinking.

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Love ❤😘

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