15: A Date [Pt. 1]

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Lucy opened her eyes at a shooting pain in her side. She remembered the events from the night before and the searing pain she felt almost all night. Of course Loke didn't leave her side, he was still there sound asleep providing warmth and comfort accompanied by protective intentions. Whenever she would wake up in the night because of her side, Loke would go get something for her and stay awake until she fell back asleep. A plastic baggie of melted ice which she once used to ice her side was now resting at the end of her bed. A glass of water was on the desk (Loke would get it for her whenever she needed it as he was on the side near her desk). He helped her to the bathroom and would refill her water glass, then would help her back to the bed. He fluffed her pillow and hugged her all through the night. The male never complained once. But now, Lucy was thirsty and she wanted some water but she didn't want to wake up her sleeping prince. So, she slowly climbed over him, trying not to wake him. When she had enough water she set the glass down gently and went to climb back over Loke. But of course, he opened his eyes while she was practically on top of him like she was going to do something perverted. His green eyes grew wide as he realized how close her chest was to his face, and then he noticed the position they were in.
"It's not what it looks like!"
"Looks soft-" he earned a slap across the face for that one. Lucy blushed a wild shade of red. She sat at his hips and looked away from him, "You jerk! Quit being such a pervert!" The lion spirit held a hand against his now cheek and smiled sheepishly. "Hey come on I held back all night! Even while you were in that tub clinging to me, I was a good spirit. If anything I deserve a kiss on the cheek."  "How about you try holding back all the time, hm?"

Loke tilted his head and looked up at the blonde with a playful grin. "What's the fun in that, beautiful?"
Lucy put a hand on his chest and pointed at him accusingly. "The fun is that I don't have to slap you!"
"Unless you're into that sort of thing—"
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
"Hold on, Lucy. You're taking it easy today. You lost a lot of blood yesterday and your side is still sore," Loke said as he stopped Lucy from doing some light cleaning. Lucy rolled her eyes at him and continued wiping the table with a wet cloth, "You don't always have to watch out for me you know. I can take care of myself just fine. Go ahead and take a break, you really did do a lot for me all through the night. The least I can do is let you go home and get some sleep." But Loke wouldn't have it. The male smiled softly, "Actually~ the least you can do is go on a date with me. Besides, babe~ home is where your heart is and my heart belongs to you, making right here beside you my home."
The mage blushed but acted completely uninterested in what he had to say. In truth she found it sweet of him. "First of all, no to the date. Second, you're really on a roll today with those cheesy pickup lines." She noticed a little smile on the spirit's face as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Come on, it's only one night out with me. We would have dinner then come home, that's it. We don't have to do anything over the top. But I do insist on taking you to a fancy restaurant."

The mage thought for a moment. Lately Loke had been going above and beyond for her. He was keeping her company and taking care of her and staying in his best behavior. Perhaps she really should reward him with a date.
"Okay, Loke. You win, I'll go on a date with you."

It really would make sense anyways. They were a thing, clearly. There was something between them and even Lucy wasn't oblivious to it anymore, however she wanted to get a feel for what it would be like in a serious relationship with Loke. She hoped he wanted a serious relationship with her too. She didn't want to be heartbroken by the same boy who lifted her up so many times before; made her feel stronger by fighting beside her and made her feel fearless by casting a brilliant light to guide her to bravery. He made her feel safe.

While she was lost in thought, Loke was trying not to grin like a kid in a candy store. "Good," he began, capturing her attention. "Because I already made the reservations. Wear something nice, gorgeous! You won't regret it! I'll pick you up tonight at seven." The sneaky lion swiftly kissed her cheek before vanishing into thin air. The blonde blushed and stood petrified, unable to move anything, even her dropped jaw was frozen in place. LOKE GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE-
♥ ♥ ♥
It was exactly seven o'clock when Lucy opened her door to find Loke dressed sharply as ever standing outside waiting for her. The blonde was showcasing her Leo Stardress; both elegant and sexy (much like the spirit it corresponded with). The male pushed his glasses up and immediately linked arms with her, "Don't you look extraordinary. Stay close, unless you want men hitting on you all night."
With Lucy by his side, men would feel inferior to him. Not only was he good looking, but even with his suit on it was obvious he had a wonderful build. Not to mention the beautiful woman at his side; they were the hottest couple in Magnolia tonight.
Lucy blushed and hugged his arm, inwardly admiring how his muscles felt under the fabric of his clothes. In a dress like hers, she was more concerned about the things Loke would say to her... she wondered if she could make him choke on his own words? What if she played his game tonight? Had a woman ever given the lion a taste of his own medicine? If not, Lucy would make damn sure he got it tenfold. His pickup lines, his smooth words, his dashing grin... maybe she would take it one step farther. But of course that would only be encouraging him... so she would leave that as plan B.
♥ ♥ ♥
At the restaurant, they sat across from each other looking over a food menu. Lucy was worried about the prices, everything was so expensive. Could Loke really afford to take her here? It was like he could read her mind, because he spoke the words she needed to hear next. "Don't focus on the cost okay? The owner of this place owes me a couple of favors. I saved him countless times. I told him I was coming today with someone very special. We have a major discount now."
Someone... special? "Oh, well that's good. For a second there I was really worried about ordering!"
"Please, have anything you want! We can even have desert for dinner if you want, or both dinner and desert."
"You're getting us desert too?"
"If you're in the mood for it, then absolutely," Loke adjusted his glasses position and took a sip from his water glass. His eyes rested on a now nervous Lucy sitting across from him. Once again, he said exactly what she needed to hear, "Lucy, I don't mean to sound fresh, but your body is perfect. You," he pointed his index finger at her and gazed at her from behind blue lenses. "Are perfect. A little desert isn't going to change that. The only reason you're so heavy is because of... well..." his eyes moved to her chest, "You know." Loke winked and smiled devilishly at the beautiful maiden. Lucy looked away shyly and growled at him in response. He just had to bring my chest into this. All right Casanova, my turn. "Oh wow... I wonder if your lips are as sweet as the words that come from them."
"My-my lips?" Loke stammered, perplexed by Lucy's sudden personality change. She must really want to kiss me... but then why make it so difficult to get you to come with me tonight? Why be so stubborn with me? Not that it isn't attractive... this is pretty attractive too though. There was already a soft shade of pink staining the male's cheeks. Lucy gazed at him with endearing eyes that penetrated his heart and soul. She knew she was getting to him, and suddenly she realized why Loke did this so often; it was fun. She kind of wanted to see what a submissive Loke would look like, even if she had already seen one version of his submissive side once before. A cuddly kitten, that's what she experienced. But what could she entice from him this time? The curiosity was killing her.
"Lucy," Loke started. "You're confusing me."
"What do you mean, handsome?" She inquired, making sure to draw out the nickname. He fixed his tie. "You're not acting like yourself. One minute you're against me and the next you're trying to draw me back in, with success I might add," he explained, sweating a little as he watched Lucy's taunting lips. God, what he wouldn't give to leap across the table and tackle her to the ground, then kiss those lips with so much passion and aggression she might pass out from the heat of it all.
"I don't know what you're talking about, handsome. But I do know that I want you to take off those sunglasses. Let me see your pretty eyes~"
Loke slowly did as she requested. He put them in an inner coat pocket and looked back at the mage with exposed eyes. The blonde really did love Loke's eyes. They were captivating. His gaze could send her to heaven in seconds. The mage rested her hand on the table near Loke, trying to get him to make a few moves. She needed a little encouragement, something to motivate her to put more work into making him crack. Her wish was granted when he placed his hand on top of hers, "I know I said we would only do dinner tonight," he began. "But maybe we could hang out a little more? Even if it's back at your apartment, I don't want this date to end too soon." Lucy withheld an excited grin as she gazed at their hands and pictured them walking home together, fingers intertwined and hearts beating faster. She imagined them kissing passionately under the stars and laying her head against his chest as he embraced her tightly. Little did she know that in her daydreaming state, she didn't realize the waiter trying to take her order.
"Ma'am? Ma'am, are you ready to order?" She was pulled out of her daze when Loke gave her hand a gentle squeeze and whispered her name. She blushed, embarrassed, and placed her order. The lion was snickering, knowing very well that she was daydreaming about them as she zoned out with a blush on her face and a pleased smile after he asked to let the date carry on longer than planned. His amusement only died when he realized that the waiter was looking at Lucy's knockers. Lucy noticed too, and she suddenly felt very uncomfortable. The lion cleared his throat to get the man's attention. He turned to him, "Is something wrong?"
"Yes, if I could have a word with you in private that would be wonderful."
"Of course."
So the two walked off leaving Lucy alone at the table. She waited, and waited, and finally Loke came back with an annoyed smile on his face. He sat across from her once again and fixed his tie. He laid the back of his hand against the table so Lucy could put her own hand in his, which she did immediately.
"He was looking at them, right?" She asked nervously. Loke nodded, thinking he may have been a little bit too intimidating towards the waiter when they stepped away.
"What is this about, mister? Would you like me to put a ring in her champagne glass?"
"What? No, you idiot! Keep your hormones under control, got it? Don't look at my girl like some sex crazed lunatic. If I catch you eyeing her one more time tonight I swear on my life I'll take you down," Loke was glaring at the man, burning a hole in his mind with pure rage. The waiter gulped. One thing he didn't know about the man threatening him was that he was Leo the lion. And anyone born under his star sign was brave, passionate, and blessed with rage. So one could only imagine what Leo himself in a raging state would be like.
"Y-Yes sir..."
And sure, Lucy wasn't "his girl" but at the same time she pretty much was. They were at a point at which people were just waiting for them to become official.  "What did you say to him?" Lucy asked. "Nothing major. I explained to him what would happen if I caught him looking at you again tonight."
"I appreciate it. Thank you for talking to him. But you know, I can recall all the times I caught you looking at me the way he was just now~"
"Hey, at least I try to be subtle," Loke said with a melodic chuckle following. Lucy shook her head and tapped the edge of her water glass, "Yet I catch you every time. I guess your attempts aren't as subtle as you think, Pretty Kitty."

The two shared laughs and stories for a few hours, and of course they flirted back and forth ceaselessly in between. It wasn't until they finally managed to break from their little world that they realized the place was almost empty. They were so lost in one another that they had forgotten about time itself. It felt like it was standing still, and neither of them wanted it to resume moving forward again.

"I guess we should get going, yeah?"
"I guess so..." Lucy sighed and stood up with Loke. Come on why won't he crack? Maybe I've been holding back too much. Girls have complimented him before, obviously. I just want to see him all flustered and speechless!
She hugged his arm and looked up at him, wondering what it would take to make him react like she would if she were in his shoes.

Loke walked her out. The owner actually gave them the meal for free, not only because he owed Loke but because of the actions of his employee. So far the date was going pretty well! Truth be told, even when Lucy was hesitant about agreeing to come along, she really did want to join him. She loved spending time with the debonair male.
"Hey Loke," Lucy started as they left the warmth of the dimly lit building and entered the outdoors where the cool night air stimulated their senses and filled them with fresh life once again, "you really do know how to show a girl a good time. How often does a girl show you a good time?" The lion was a bit confused by her question, but he chose to answer it anyway. "Normally I'm the one doing the flirting and treating. But tonight feels different. I just had dinner with you, the one and only Lucy Heartfilia," The girl of my dreams "the marvelous, captivating, incredible, intelligent... Lucy Heartfilia. I'm the one whose truly being treated tonight."
It took Lucy a while to really even be able to think straight. Talking was a challenge, so she decided to stay silent rather than making a fool of herself in front of her crush. It wasn't fair, she was supposed to be doing the smooth talking and the wooing and everything Loke would normally do. He was supposed to be the speechless one choking on a lump and words that would never be deemed worthy enough to be spoken in the moment.
Curse you Leo... you and your irresistible charm.

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