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Alexander was waiting outside the room in the tiny chair he had gotten for his birthday, his toes barely reaching the ground.

Little two-year old Alexander was waiting for his little baby sister to be born. His father had put Soundproof runes on the door so he couldn't hear anything either.

His feet swung back and forth, displaying his nervousness. He didn't take his gaze off the door, as if that would make his sister come out faster.

The door creaked open. Alec immediately stood up on his tippy-toes to get a glance of his little sister, snuggled in his father's arms. Their father's arms.

Robert Lightwood smiled at his son's eagerness. "Here, Alexander." He bent down so that he could get a good view to his sister.

Alexander smiled at her and reached out his fingers to stroke her cheek. "She is pretty, father. Really pretty."
He said, his eyes never off his sister.

Robert slowly shifted his daughter so that she looked like she was in Alexander's arms, but he was the one actually holding her up.

Alexander gasped, and tried to get a careful hold on his sister, determined not to let her fall. "I won't let monster get her, father. She will safe with me."

Robert took her away from her brother sorrowfully. "Why don't you go and meet your mother, Alexander? She is waiting for you."

Alexander gave a lingering glance at his sister, and then went through the door to meet his mother.


"Mommy May-ris." Little Isabelle said, holding onto her brother for support as she walked slowly towards her mother.

"Papa?" Robert asked, smilingly.

"Papa Lobelt." Isabelle tried to say his name but failed.

Robert laughed. "You'll learn, Izzy, you'll learn."

Izzy grinned widely. She pointed at her brother. "Owec-ander."

Maryse frowned. "Maybe the name's too big for her. Perhaps you should say Alex, we need a nickname for you anyhow, Alexander."

Alexander nodded, pleased to finally get a nickname. He pointed to himself. "Alex." He said, to show Izzy what to call him.

Izzy held onto him tighter. She was one and a half and was just learning how to speak. "Owec." She smiled up at her brother.


Three year old Izzy was trying to sneak into the kitchen. Alex followed her discreetly, without her knowing, wanting to know how far she'd go before getting caught.

Izzy tiptoed into the kitchen. She looked around, seeming pleased when she didn't see anyone. She climbed on top of the chair and onto the counter.

She pulled out a box of chocolates out of a kitchen cupboard, grinning.

"Izzy!" Maryse entered the kitchen. "You had chocolates ten minutes ago. Down, now!"

Izzy pouted, having failed in her plans. "Sorry, Mother."

Maryse shook her head. "Why do you even try, darling?"

Izzy grinned. "To show Owec how far I'd go before getting caught. I know he's somewhere around here, watching me."

Alex walked out of his hiding place sheepishly. "That's true. She likes proving me wrong." He smiled brightly. "But I'm always right."

Maryse was frowning frowning at Izzy. But not for the obvious reason. "Shouldn't you be able to pronounce Alex's name properly by now?" She demanded.

Alex frowned, instantly protective of his sister. "She's still young, Mother. Give her time."

Izzy smiled at her big brother and walked forward to hug him. "I can always count on you, Owec." She whispered into his ear.

Alex smiled down at her. "Of course you can. What am I for?"

Izzy hugged him tight. "I'll always count on you, my Owec."


Izzy pranced around in a brand new frock, pleased that everyone kept complimenting her on it. She was brimming with pride, just just like any ordinary mundane five year old.

Alex smiled. He wished that she never had to grow up and never face any danger at all. He had just begun to train and Izzy always pouted when she was told she couldn't help her brother.

"Owec!" Izzy tugged at her brother. "I mean Alec!" She corrected herself. She frowned, still unable to pronounce the 'x'. She shook her head, grinning. "Don't I look pretty pretty in this?" She asked for about the tenth time, not that Alex was counting.

Before Alex could reply affirmatively, Maryse walked over, frowning. "Isabelle, shouldn't you be able to pronounce your brother Alex's name by now?" She demanded.

"Mother, she's just five-" Alex tried but Maryse cut him off.

"Five is old enough. Isabelle Sophia Lightwood, you will say your brother's name correctly." Maryse ordered.

Izzy's eyes were wide. "A-al-alec." She stuttered under Maryse's glare.

Alex's fists tightened, hus brotherly protectiveness taking over. "Mother, Izzy is saying it right. I like Alec better than Alex."
Izzy's wide eyes turned to him. " Really?"

Alec picked her up in his arms, kissing her forehead. "Yes Izzy, I love the name you gave me."

Izzy smiled. Holding onto the brother's old holey sweater tightly, she murmured. "I love you so much, my Alec. Alec."

Maryse smiled at the siblings and backed away, leaving them be.


Yo, guys! I saw a prompt for this and I immediately knew I had to write it! It seemed so heart-warming and I loved the idea, so here it is.

Vote and Comment and send any ideas you might have for oneshots. All ideas will be used. Until next time.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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