Author's Note

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Dear Readers, 

         Hello!! So gladly Summer School is over and I have plenty of time to write and update. Well "What Should I Do?" is coming to an end, just informing y'alls. I've have lots of stories coming after "What should I Do?" and I hope you guys or others do read it. I'm still not sure about the new stories though.

         For "What Should I Do?", I have no idea how I should end it. Should I end it them together or not? I have no idea. I really had fun writing this story and also I went through thick and thin with this story. I want to thank you for reading this story and for supporting it too. I'm not really a good writer so my story may be off or just not cool.

        Anyways, I'm just informing you guys that it's ending, that's all. And also that I have no idea on how to end it. But when I finish this book, I do hope that people continue to read it. Thank you for reading this author's note. Give me ideas on how you think the story should end ;).

        Goodbye and see you next chapter...also don't forget to vote for this lame author's note. Leave a beautiful comment too ;). You don't have to vote but you can if you like it or you want to. Bye. I'll update on Monday!



P.S Here's a long video to cheer you's like an hour haha!! But it's B.A.P.....they're funny, cute and the list goes on and on. I do not own the video. ~ B.A.P 2nd Adventure ~ Those boys are so happy that it makes me happy and this video inspire me. All their videos do.  Well you don't have to watching but I recommend you to. Spare an hour for this wonderful video^^

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