Chapter 4

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Beer in hand, music loud, I danced near the bonfire with my friends, my mom, and a shit ton of other old ladies from the MC. Tonight was another barbeque, like the millions of others before; it was my birthday again. I had turned nineteen.

Being in the MC world, stupid rules about drinking age weren't really enforced, especially since we lived in a dry county and had to drive over twenty miles into Morehead, Kentucky to buy beer or any other form of alcohol.

My dad's rules for me drinking were, I had to be at home with him or Mom, at an MC event with him or basically just anywhere as long as he or Mom were there, so they could watch out for me. And I was only allowed to have two beers. I pushed that one, a few of us had found a way to refill our beer bottles with a keg or with something like Jack and Coke and no one knew the difference.

Julie - my best friend since birth - and I had drunk an entire bottle of Johnny Walker, once, that stuff was strong! It was a small bottle, and we were about sixteen, but we were seriously shit faced.

Regardless of how hard we worked to hide it, my dad figured it out. He figured a lot of things out. It was hard to grow up as the princess of the MC, which was what my cousins called me.

The funny thing about that was that my cousin Trish who was two years younger than me was the real princess. She was frilly to the max. At only seventeen, she had been working for four years so she could buy the kind of fancy clothes she wanted. Aside from Julie's sister Brea, Trish was one of the only people I knew that wore heels to school most every day. She was the baby of her family, having four older brothers and a set of parents who'd always been firmly set in the MC life, no one knew where she got her style.

That whole thing about my dad finding everything out, of course, made dating a nightmare. I'd wanted to attend the Senior Prom in high school; dad said I could either take one of the club's prospects or go with one of my cousins. Either way, I wasn't going with the cute football player who'd asked me. I think dad's exact words were "you've got to be out of your fucking mind if you think I'm going to let some horny-ass kid around my daughter," or it was something like that.

I'd stayed away from the club when I was younger, but I was starting to come back to events like this. I loved my family and loved the freedom we had to be ourselves within the club, no one judged, only protected me. I had plans for getting dad to loosen his hold on me though. I was going to go away to school soon. I just hadn't told anyone except Julie yet.

My long curly brown hair was loose, and the jean shorts I was wearing were short and tight as fuck. I'd pulled on a black Harley Davidson tank, and was barefoot. It was a fucking perfect night. Somewhere I had a pair of boots since I'd taken a ride on the back of my dad's bike earlier.

One song turned to three, and my tank was sticking to my chest, thanks to the humidity and sweat from dancing. I was sure I was a serious mess and thought about going inside to straighten my slightly drunk ass out when I heard the rumble of Harley pipes rolling up the road. A lot of Harley pipes.

More of the guys were coming in tonight to celebrate with me, and just to hang out. I didn't pay any mind to the boys who pulled up, I was having way too much fun, but when one particularly tall man with strawberry blonde hair in a seriously short military cut pulled a helmet off his head, I squealed and took off running through the grass.

As fast as I could, I ran straight for him, so damn excited. "Greedy!" I shouted and jumped as he opened his arms. I climbed him like a monkey and held on. "You're home," I whispered, almost crying with relief.

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