Chapter 6

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When I woke up, it was still dark outside. It took me a couple of seconds to adjust to the unfamiler surroundings. Jac was still wrapped around me protectively. She didn't look like Mrs Scary from this angle. She looked so peaceful asleep, I didn't want to disturb her. You wouldn't know she was worried about Johnny being in prison, or anything to be fair. I was almost starting to get used to the idea of her and dad.

I didn't want to wake Jac up, so I carefully untangled myself from her limbs and tucked the blanket around her to keep her warm. Luckily I didn't wake her up. I crept across her office to her desk. The clock read 3:00am. I'd been asleep for 4 hours, which was pretty good for me.

I sat in the chair at Jac's desk and tried to get on her computer. I clicked the mouse, and the computer asked for a password.

I took a couple of guesses...

Emma? No. Too obvious.

Johnny? No. Too obvious.

Guy? No. Too obvious.

Holby? No. Too obvious.

None of them worked. I'm really bad with passwords. I looked under the stapler and hole punch on her desk. No luck there either.

"icequeen" Jac called. She made me jump. I didn't realize I'd woken her up.

"What?" I replied, a little startled and confused.

"icequeen" Jac repeated.

"My password." She added, smiling.

I entered it, and it worked.

"Where did that come from?" I asked.

"My nickname." Jac replied.

"Right..." I trailed off.

"I'll explain when you're older." Jac laughed.

I gave her a dodgey look and raised my eyebrows. Jac climbed off the sofa and came sat on the beanbag next to me.

"No! Nothing like that! Lets just say, I wasn't exactly Mrs Sensitivity when I first arrived." She told me.

"Nothing has changed then..." I replied.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." I apologized.

"It's okay, I'm a light sleeper. You have to be in this profession, life revolves around a pager." She smiled.

I went on facebook and showed her some photo's of me and Zosia and my dog and horse. I showed her some photos of me showjumping with my horse. She showed me some photos on the staff system of various drunk nights and Christmas do's. Jac was a good sport at 3am.

We sat around and chatted for about half an hour, until someone burst in through the door and announced about a major RTA with someone impaled with a scaffolding pole through their heart so Jac had to rush off, leaving me. This would be something I would never get used to, Jac constantly being dragged away.

After shutting down Jac's computer, I went back onto the ward. I must have fallen back asleep, because when I woke up it was light outside. I looked at my iPod, it was 7am. I shouldn't be this awake this early in the morning.

I got myself cleaned up in the toilets and for the first time since my operation, I put on clothes instead of pajamas. I had on leggings and a band t-shirt. Stero typical teenage look.

I entertained myself for the next few hours, when I recognized a familiar face heading towards me down the corridor. It was my maths teacher, Miss Corbett.

"Hello you!" Miss Corbett smiled coming up to my bedside.

"Hey!" I laughed, I was glad of the company.

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