A Sweet Morning

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   "You're up, Y/N." I heard a voice say from across the room. I looked in the  direction of the voice to see Saeran buttoning up a white shirt. My face blushed a deep red and I stuttered horribly. "S-S-Saeran...Y-you're, um, getting dressed...right there...across the r-room...in front of me...ha...haha..." My blush worsened with every word that came out as I gazed at his figure. His shirt was still partially unbuttoned as he turned around fully to look at me, and this definitely didn't help me or my face...and especially not my heart. "Oh, I didn't think there would be a problem since you weren't awake yet...I'm sorry if I surprised you," he apologized with a sincerely sorry expression. "N-no! It's fine! You can keep doing that if you want!" I responded without thinking. I covered my mouth to shut myself up before I said something even worse than what just came out. "I'm so sorry!" I apologized to him without taking my hands off of my mouth, which made my voice muffled.
   Saeran just looked at me blankly before bursting into laughter. "W-what..?" I asked, somewhat confused. "You're so funny..." he responded. I gave a puzzled look and he told me, "You stuttered so much while your face was even more red than my original hair color!" he continued to laugh. "Oh...hm...What is your original hair color?..." I asked. This had never occurred to me before. "Oh. I thought V might've told you when he visited you in your room before..." Saeran said. "You knew?..." I asked him. "Of course I did. I monitored everything on you, even then. But back to my hair color...What V didn't tell you is that me and that...redhead...are twins." The words he tried to say came out a little bit choked and bitter, like it was difficult for him to say. I got out of bed and buttoned up his shirt the rest of the way before holding his hand. "Are you okay, Saeran?" I asked him, my voice and face crowded with concern. "I...It's just that when I took the elixir...the Savior-No, Rika-brainwashed me to think certain things...and despising my brother was one of them..." he explained to me.
   I now took his other hand in mine, too, and looked him in the eyes. "It's okay. I'll try to help you as best as I can, okay?" I offered. "Okay...thank you, Y/N." "Anything for you. Now what were you saying about being twins?" I asked, trying to keep the subject up. "We're...identical twins...so his hair color was originally mine, too," he tried to explain the best he could. "I see...then what about your eye color? Was it originally gold, too?" I questioned in the gentlest tone I could possibly have. "Yes...but the elixir...it changed the color..." Saeran looked sad at what he just said. "It's okay. I understand you must be hurting greatly, Saeran. Regardless of your eye color or the color of your hair, I'll still love you. And so will everyone else. Even Saeyoung," I reassured and hugged him. "R-really?" he asked, and I could feel his emotions course throughout his body. "Really. I promise you," I said.
   His grip on me tightened and I hugged him closer. Our embrace continued for about three minutes before we parted. "I'm so lucky to have you, Y/N..." Saeran whispered to me. "I could say the same to you, Saeran," I whispered back. I was still holding onto his hand, and he let go now. "Are you hungry?" he asked me with a smile. "I haven't eaten yet either, so I could go prepare something good for us." I gasped when he said this. When we cooked together last time I nearly died of the delicious delicacy. "That would be amazing! Your cooking is the best! Yes, please!" I excitedly said. He laughed at my remark and headed downstairs to start breakfast. I went into Aislinn's room to look for some of my old clothes that might've still been there. I didn't want to dirty any more of her clothes. To my surprise, I found some in her closet. I took one of the few outfits of mine in there and got dressed in mine and Saeran's room. I smiled at the thought of Saeran and I sharing a room. It really made me happy that I was with the person I love most right now.
   After getting dressed accordingly, fixing my hair, and using the bathroom, I headed downstairs to Saeran. The delicious aroma engulfed me more and more with each step I took down the stairs. My mouth was watering by the time I actually got downstairs. "Mmm, that smells soooo good, Saeran..." I told him as I approached his handsome figure. "Haha, thank you, Y/N," Saeran smiled and kissed my forehead. I was a bit surprised at this sudden gesture, but...I liked it. I returned his smile and got the plates for when the food was done. "Oh! There are still some Honey Buddah Chips here, you should try some later, they're really good!" I suggested to him. "Okay, I'll try them later," he called while mixing the food in the pan. I set the phone I had been carrying from upstairs down, and hugged him from behind. "This feels like a dream, Sae~!" "Sae?" he questioned the new nickname, a bit flustered. "Mhm! Sae Sae~ It all feels too good to be true..." I grew a bit sad at this thought. "Don't worry, Y/N. It's not a dream, trust me. Although I can't fully wrap my head around it either, the fact that there's much more troubles to face keeps me knowing it's not a dream," he told me. I nodded into his back and cuddled him from behind.
   "You're so warm, Sae~." I found comfort in his warmth and he sighed happily. "You're cute, Y/N," Saeran's soothing voice said to me. I let go after awhile since he said the food was almost done, and I went out into the living room to wait. "We can't get too comfortable, though. Mint Eye is still out for us and could come to the door any minute now. So be prepared for the worst, okay?" he asked of me. I replied with a forced, "Yes..." and played out possible scenarios in my head. "I have to protect him..." I mumbled to myself at these thoughts. "What was that?" he asked, standing in the doorway of the living room now. "Oh, nothing..." I replied. "Okay. Breakfast is ready, I came out here to tell you that," his words reminded me of my hunger and I stood up immediately and gasped. "I can't wait! I'm so hungry..." I said and practically dragged him with me to the table. On our way there, I noticed something. "Hm? Have you been wearing that apron the whole time?" I asked him curiously. "Yeah, why?" It was a white apron that had mint lacing around the outside and an ice cream scoop on the center. The lines below read, "You can't buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream, and that's kind of the same thing." The words made me giggle. "I think we have ice cream in the freezer you can have after breakfast," I told him. His eyes lit up and he nearly yelled, "Really?!"

Hello there, it is I, the supposed-to-be-on-schedule author. So about that...well I've been putting much more effort into my chapters lately seeing how so many people like this fanfiction now. I didn't have much motivation before, but thanks to the really super-nice people who support me, I decided to put a bunch more effort into each and every chapter, therefore making the chapters late. I might change my schedule to Tuesdays and Fridays now because of this, or I could just write the chapters on the weekends to publish. School is coming in a few weeks for me since I live in the US, and so that might just take a toll on my schedule. I'm sorry if I disappointed any of you with this and I'm also sorry that this A/N is so long...I should probably stop writing now. Thanks to all of you who love and support me and this book, I am forever grateful to you all! I love each and every one of you! Bye~

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now