singing with Andy

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One month later

It was the day of the tour and your going to meet BVB
But your mom wouldn't let you go so you've made a plan when Zoe pulls up in your drive way your going to jump out the window and run to her car.

Zoe: I'm here!
Y/N: Ok I'm so excited!
Zoe: SAME! Now get your ass in my car or were going to be late.
Summer:Ok im coming now!

You jumped out the window and ran towards her car she opened the door for you and you got inside.
The rest of the journey you both talked about how much you loved ashley and Andy and you listened to BVB on the way.
You had a massive crush on Andy and Zoe had a massive crush on Ashley. you arrived and ran to where you had to show them your tickets.
Soon You were in!
"BVB should be on in 10 minutes" you said
"Ok let's go to the stage" said Zoe.
You were at the stage and suddenly,you heard guitars and the members came out.
You sang all the songs they sang then suddenly andy pointed to you.
"Hey,what's your name?" He said.
"That's a lovely name.Y/N can you come up to the front and sing a song with me?"
"Yes thank you"
You Walked up to the stage and he's put his arm around you.
You were so happy!
"So Y/N,do you know knives and pens" Andy said.
"Everybody Y/N and I are going to sing knives and pens"

You sang knives and pens with him.
Then he turned to the crowed,
"I hope you had a fucking amazing time goodbye everybody"
"If you guys didnt know our meet and greet got cancelled sorry everybody"He said.
You look very confused. But then he turned to face you.
"Is that girl who was next to you your friend?"
"Yes" you said sounding confused
"Tell her to come backstage with you.our bands got a suprise for both of you"
You went over to tell Zoe then you both made your way to backstage.

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