Chapter 35: Flying High

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I get into my car and make my way to the gym. Once paying at the front desk I looked around for a free locker. I put my phone, wallet, towel and drink bottle in the locker and headed into the gym. I looked around the gym before spotting a free treadmill. I set it to 7 and start to run; it feels amazing to get exercise again.

After 20 minutes I got off the treadmill and went on the hunt for something else to do. I grabbed a mat and did plenty of sit up and press up repetitions. After doing some pull ups I decided to call it quits, I checked the time. Two and a half hours until the girls get to my place. I drove home, stopping at the supermarket to pick up some supplies. I know I’m out of rehab, but that doesn’t mean that I’m ready to eat junk with the girls.

After leaving the supermarket I headed home and cleaned up the house. I had a shower and threw on my onesie; I wasn’t going to dress up for the girls. I started cooking; I made spaghetti and meatballs, and left it in the fridge to reheat for dinner.

After no time the girls arrived. ‘Jess!’ Amie, Ash and Amie squealed as I opened the door. I pulled them into a group hug with a smile. ‘Hey guys,’ I said letting them into the apartment. I looked at the girls: Amie in her pink version of Louis onesie, Ashleigh in her hot pink onesie and finally Amber in an American Flag Onesie? ‘Amber is that?’ I ask. Amber’s smile widens as her dimples begin to show. ‘Niall’s onesie,’ she shrieked with excitement.

‘Oh my god that is so cute! Does it smell like him?’ I asked, Nialler is such a romantic.

‘Yes, he gave me a bottle of Armani Mania so it will literally smell like him,’ she said grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

‘That is seriously the cutest thing ever!’ I exclaimed as Amber nodded in agreement. ‘It’s so gross, it’s the only thing she ever wears,’ Amie said elbowing Amber. I laughed before making my way to the kitchen.

‘So is anybody hungry?’ I asked as the girls followed me into the kitchen.

‘After 4 hours of training? No,’ Ashleigh joked with a smirk. I nodded and started dishing up the pasta, we heated all of the meals in the microwave. I handed out bowls and we sat down at the dining table, ‘thanks for dinner Jess,’ Amie said before everyone dug into dinner.

‘So, I’m leaving for London tonight,’ I said, causing everyone to turn their attention away from their dinner.

‘What?’ Amber exclaimed.

‘I’m working with the boys again,’ I said having another mouthful.

‘But you’re going so soon,’ Amie whinged.

‘I’ll miss you guys too,’ I said with a smirk. ‘Something came up and I need to be there,’ I said hoping that the girls wouldn’t ask any more questions about it. ‘That’s exciting,’ Ash exclaimed. ‘You’ve got everything on track so fast,’ she said as everyone dropped it. For the rest of the meal we just chatted about nothing in particular.

I cleared the table before we all crashed on the couch. ‘I’m going to miss you Jess,’ Amber said, breaking the silence that had settled over us. ‘I’m going to miss you guys so so so so much!’ I exclaimed.  ‘But we’ll stay in touch this time, it’s not like my phone will be confiscated this time,’ I joked; gaining a laugh from all of the girls.

‘Yeah don’t forget us when you become a superstar Jess,’ Amie smirked.

The girls and I watched TV and joked around right up until I had to leave. I gave each of them massive hugs before grabbing my keys and heading for the door.

Upon arrival at the airport I checked in my luggage; and had to pay extra because my bags weigh a few pounds over the limit. After making my way through security I sat outside the gate, I reached into my carryon bag and got out my phone. ‘Hey Niall,’ I chirped after he picked up. ‘Hey Jess, what time are you getting here?’ He asked.

‘7am tomorrow morning,’ I said trying to run the maths through my head again. Flying between Australia and England sucks, not only is it a 22 and ½ hour flight, you have to factor in the weird time difference. ‘And you’re flying into Heathrow?’ Niall asked. ‘Indeed,’ I replied. ‘Oh Nialler two things, could you keep it on the down low? And could you pretty please send a driver to get me so I don’t have to hire a car,’ I added.

‘Will do Jess, see you soon,’ Niall said, and with that I hung up the phone, switched it to flight mode and put it back in my bag. I looked around at the shops were here, I saw a little souvenir shop, so I went to have a look at it. I found something to purchase, well two somethings actually. I paid for the items and shoved them into my bag before sitting down at the boarding gate again. After sitting and twiddling my thumbs for a little bit longer my flight began to board.

The flight was as long and boring as I remembering it being. I listen to my iPod until it ran out, which was 3ish hours into the flight. We stopped off somewhere in Asia, I spent ½ hour in the airport before boarding again. Then I tried sleeping; which doesn’t work very well in the uncomfortable economy class seats. After watching the entire 3rd season of the Inbetweeners my flight touched down in London.

I collected my things and got off the flight. I looked around the gate, there was a lot of people waiting. My eyes landed on a person, dressed in a hoodie and sunglasses. ‘What kind of person wears a hood and sunglasses in an airport?’ I mumbled to myself as I wondered further into Heathrow. It took a minute to click, I ran up to the figure with a smile. 


Sorry i had to end it there! suspense it what keeps you gus reading :P 

So fan, comment, vote and i'll upload when i get the chance!

xx Jess

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