Chaoter 40: Hidden

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We picked up some Nandos before crashing at the hotel; the Marriott. ‘Okay it’s 9am, the girls competition is at 3pm tonight,’ I say tiredly as a huff dragging my bag up the hallway. No paps spotted us in Australia, so this will be a total shock for the girls. And if you’re wondering how we managed to go unnoticed by paps in onesies, security made us change on the plane. So we all got off in trackies, hoodies and sunglasses. And that is how we managed to get into Australia, customs was fun. But they loosened up on us when the boys pulled off the hoods and sunglasses. And they agreed not to say anything, and that is why it took so long to get to the hotel.

Louis, in his tired state fumbled with the key before unlocking the door, letting us into the suite. It was really nice, much nicer than most places that I stay; although the boys just shrug it off. ‘So what’s the plan until then?’ Niall asked with a yawn.

‘Well I don’t know about you two but I’m going to do my best to sleep off this jet lag,’ I said receiving a nod from the boys. I gave them a smile and a hug before looking for a bed to crash in. ‘Problem!’ Louis exclaimed running back into the living room. ‘There are two beds,’ he said with a pout.

‘It’s alright I’ll take the couch,’ I said dropping my things, the boys were quite obviously to tired to argue. So they nodded and silently walked off to the bedrooms.

I woke up at about 1:45pm, and decided that I was going to stock up with food; considering that we are going to be here for another three days and I don’t plan on eating junk all week. I grabbed a hoodie and my wallet before heading down to the lobby. Much to my fortune there was a Coles right across the road from the hotel.

After around 45 minutes I had bought more than enough food for the 3 days that we’ll be in Australia. I grabbed all of the groceries and walked back up to the hotel. Of course both Louis and Niall were still fast asleep. I put all of the food away when Louis finally stirred. ‘Hey guys, is it almost time to leave?’ Louis asked tubbing his eyes. Both Louis and Niall’s hair is messed up from sleeping. ‘Yep,’ I replied popping the p. ‘Get changed if you want to grab your wallets and we’ll head off,’ I replied, Niall and Louis nodded and headed back to the bedrooms. I grabbed my acid wash jeans, a floral blouse, a grey hoodie and my Team Victoria track suit jumper. I grab my tracksuit in the hope that we will get downstairs if I take my athletes pass, that way a huge fuss won’t be made about Louis and Niall.

I quickly get changed in the bathroom and tidy up my belongings, I grab my wallet and my phone before waiting for the boys at the front door. ‘Let’s go!’ Louis exclaimed, he looked like he was about to explode with excitement. Not even 10 seconds later Niall was also ready to go. We walked into the corridor and locked the hotel room door behind us. Niall and Louis pulled up their hoods and put on a pair of black aviators, which they pulled out of nowhere. I also pulled my hood up, I let my hair fall lazily in front of my face.

The driver was waiting for us outside the hotel; we climbed in the backseat and gave him directions. I pulled down my hood and neatened up my hair. Niall and Louis took of their sunglasses and hoods before ruffling their hair. In no time we were halfway to the stadium. ‘Okay so the plan in to stay quiet and hidden until they announce the girls individually, they will call Ashleigh’s name first; Louis you yell something along the lines of let’s go Ash! And she will look up and smile seeing you in the stands. When they call Amber’s name Niall, call out yeah buddy; she’ll get a good laugh out of it. And by that time Amie will have figured out what’s going on and I’ll yell out when they call her name.’ I explained my plan to the boys; their responses were nods and smiles.

The stadium was in sight, I pulled up my hood and fixed my hair so it covered some of my face; the boys mimicked my actions putting their sunglasses and hoods back on. ‘Thanks Roger,’ we chorused sliding out of the car, ‘See you in a few hours,’ Louis called before slamming the door shut.

We walked up to the stadium doors, paid our entry and made our way to the stands. We chose somewhere up the back for warm up, then just before they introduce all of the gymnasts we will move to the front.


We have this weird tradition of having a little team huddle before each meet. We say random things like stay focused, but it’s nice and always gets me ready and psyched. We began warm up, everything went really well. And after completing apparatus warm up we put our tracksuits back on to march onto the floor.

We reach the floor and the states are read out in alphabetical order, so we have to wait for our names to be called. It finally comes our turn to present. ‘Ashleigh Jacobson,’ was called over the PA. Then out of nowhere someone screams.

‘Let’s go Ash!’ And this isn’t just anyone screaming out, it was clearer than day, the cheery voice of Louis Tomlinson. My suspicions were confirmed when a certain Irish screamed, ‘yeah buddy!’ After Amber’s name was called, all three of us giggled a little. Finally I presented and heard a cheer from Jess I smiled and looked up, spotting the three of them sitting in the third row around the middle. We walked off the floor and got ready to begin the competition.

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