how to know you're in love

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how to know you're in love:

i. the smile.

when they talk you'll have to grin, you won't even realise you're doing it, it just happens. when someone mentions them, you'll smile, you won't even realise the corners of your lips have twisted upwards until they're no longer topic of conversation.

ii.  the music.

every love song will suddenly be about them, you won't help it but at the mention of their eye colour you'll grow gooey inside. You'll play such romantic songs in the morning before you go about your way to see them, you just think of them with every melody.

iii. the optimism.

even the strictest of pessimists becomes an optimist in love, the sunlight seems warmer and brighter and longer lasting and the days seem not to drag but to sweep on by in a golden haze. you won't mind if it's chilly outside, you'll see it as refreshing rather than freezing and disgusting, you'll see the falling leaves not as a sign of winter approaching and death but as nature's cycle and you'll see the beauty of it. you'll lose your temper less. 

iv. the time.

you'll have the time to do things, to plan your hours. you'll want to get up early in the morning to see them, or talk to them, so you'll feel more refreshed and willing to work. you'll be productive, but you'll feel relaxed whilst doing so. you'll seem to have unlimited hours in the day.

v. the addiction.

if you go too long without talking to them, the pit of warmth in your stomach will start to fade and bubble into neglection. if you go too long without that damn smile or laugh or even a stupid text, your energy supply will start to run low and you'll become jittery. you need those texts, the stupid kisses at the end, you hunger, crave them. every time you get a text, you'll jump, hoping it's them. when it isn't, they will seem bland in comparison - despite the fact they're your best friend and the most fun person you know.

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