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September 2nd 2001:

 It was the beginning of another year and I was entering the 11th year of school, with my 17 years, and I thought that that's was going to be one of those boring years in high school, but my life at school was really crap, but I never gave importance to the silly comments of my colleagues or the super negative criticisms they made me, in case they mocked me for always using the same backpack or wearing the same clothes and stuff like that.

 I also never gave too much "time" to them and they did it since 1995, which I was in 5th grade when the criticisms and comments start, like I said in the beginning, whatever...

 In my mind I was like: "New year I'll continued in my place, without getting into trouble, with the popular and the rest of the school. I thought about focusing more on my classes and about how I could not open my heart to the outside world, because every time I do that, I feel really bad.

 People abuse you so much people, hurt you, when they see you are inferior or weaker than they are, that is, they look for easy prey to attack as soon as they can. But know my mind is very free, cause I don't think about my problems.

 Life taught me to be stronger than and not as vulnerable as I seem to be, life taught me to fight against the problems that arise, and to denigrate me always, taught me to grab the opportunity and never stop trying, and so it will be for you «sis», I'm very optimistic about this year".

10:46 pm:

 I was trying to sleep when my mom entered in my room and she said: "Hey honey, how are u doing? Are you ready for tomorrow?"; "I'm Fine, little bit nervous, but fine." "That's what I need to hear, I guess you need to go to bed, right now baby." ;"Yes mother, better to go to bed so I can feel better tomorrow, good night mom." I turned around to sleep better but then she said: "Sleep well my princess. Ah and Erica, look my boss called me to say that I was going to be promoted, and that I will start working until later, so at 11:00 I should be home tomorrow, honey." "Ok mom, I'm going home by bus tomorrow, no problem." She got up and gave me a little kiss on the forehead and closed the door slowly. And then I fell asleep...

In the next day:

 In the morning when I woke up, went to take my bath I dressed and I had breakfast. After that, my mother took me to school and the adventure began.

 When I got out of the car, I feel 10000 eyes locking at me, I was very shy, at the moment, it's the strangest moment of the beginning of the classes, but I remained neutral and started walking towards the staircase.

 Guess what! I stumbled and fell, yes, I fell, right in front of a billion eyes evil spirits, and guess what! They started laughing, of course, and then I remembered my promise to myself, so I got up and picked it up, looked around, and everybody was laughing at me, except for a brat named Thomas Hunter. Do not forget his name, he's important in this story.

 He called me right away, the way he looked, but this is not like one of those fairy tales, that you fall and the whole school laughs and lots of little boys turn up to pick you up and get your things. I took it all and left.

 I entered the hallway and saw lots of teenagers, all neat, with the same faces, all neutral, and I was just another drop of water in the sea of ​​emptiness, on a gigantic neutral planet.

 First I went to the auditorium, to a "meeting" of students and teachers what is always done at the beginning of the year, to present the teachers and the rest, to explain everything and that stuff that they repeat all the year.

 My head teacher was called Miss Cilia, she was a nice and beautiful woman, and I liked her in the first contact. Then the Director of the school came in and started talking:

-Well, Morning Students and Teachers. New Year right, who's ready?

 Everyone got restless and started saying "Yes", and shouting and stuff and the director started talking the boring part.

 I distracted myself a bit and began to look around me and at that moment I realized that John, my ex-colleague was there, and he's younger brother, Thomas Hunter, whore there. I was surprised, I did not expect to see him again, at least not there. And it was the first time I saw them in the same school, Thomas was 17 years old, and I was surprised by their presence there.

 I was thinking so much, in my mind I was like "How did John appear here? Why? When?!..." I was so confused at the moment, and the dialogue was looking like it was going to take days!

 And he did not shut up the man, he was so annoyed, just wanted to get out and get some air and "reflect" on John's sudden appearance.

 John Hunter is an 18 year old boy, in the 12th grade, very cute, but "too open" sometimes and Thomas Hunter is a 17 year old boy, in the 11th grade, art lover, knowledgeable of general culture, constantly listened to K-pop... but both of them had some traumas from their childhood... they lost their mother and sister when they were younger, in a plane crash.

 His father, Mrs. Hunter is a multi-millionaire who is always busy, and John remains the same person, but more humble and considerate.

After classes:

 At the end of the director's dialogue with the students, I left and went straight to the nearest coffee shop in the area, I was tired, right on the first day of classes, and I wanted to go back to the holidays, seriously?

 When I went in I ordered a milkshake and a croissant and when I turned to sit, I looked and saw John. I was trying to make him not see me. But he saw me without me noticing, then he picked up his coffee and sat down next to me and we started talking:

 "Hi Erica, how long, right?" "Oh john! It's been a long time since we've seen each other, how did you stop here?" I spoke in a confused tone and he looked at me with a silly face "All yes, it seems that fate has crossed us again. "Again?" I said confused.

 "Yes again, that sixth grade was not a very good experience for you, right?" Yeah... you're right, but I've been over for a long time and beyond that are past waters!" I said confidently. "Good. Are you're coming to my classroom?"; "Arts?"; "I'm doing business management and economy, my father wants me to be a great businessman"; "Maybe you should follow your instinct".

 Then he looked me in the eyes and we started laughing, but then I said: "What about your brother?"; "He's doing arts" he said – ignorance. "Don't say that, at least he does what he wants to do..."; "My father will punish him, if he knows" argh! Always the controller of everything, typical John, never change.

 I looked at the clock and I said: "Ah John, it's getting late, I better go home and see you tomorrow at school" "All right, Miss Steele. Tomorrow I need to talk to you better, so you do not get a bad view of the past from me" "see you tomorrow John!"

 When John was walking back home, he only thought of Erica, but tried to ignore his feelings, but feelings should not be hidden, on the contrary we should speak our mind and we will feel much better after talk to someone close, and what John needed at that moment, was someone she could trust again, someone like Erica.

 "Oh Gosh, I can't believe this..." He whispered.

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