Chapter 11

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When Cas arrives, he finds Dean's pulse. It's slow and fading but he's luckily able to heal him. He's still very weak though so he's unconscious. Sam and Cas place him in his bed while I sit in the library with an ice pack on my head. I almost lost him......sure, the Winchesters have died and come back before multiple times but how many times can you do it before officially dying?
"You okay?" Sam asks entering the library. I look over at him and sigh.
"I'll live." I chuckle weakly, handing him the ice pack. He takes it and places it on his head before sitting down.
"You did good back there, I'm surprised you remembered that entire thing." Sam smiles. I shrug and sit back in my chair slouching.
"You said it was one of the most important things to have. So why not remember it in case I didn't have it physically besides, I took Latin in high school." I shrug. Sam nods, and places the ice pack down.
"Well Dean would be proud." Sam smiles,reaching over and squeezing my knee before getting up."Pizza sound good for dinner?" Sam asks grabbing the impala keys.
"Sounds great." I smile. He nods and heads to the garage to go pick up food while I head down the hall. I peak into Dean's room and see Cas is watching over him. "How's he doing?" I ask entering the room.
"He's alright, just weak. It's hard to say when he'll wake up." Cas informs me. I nod, walking over to Dean's bed and take off his shoes for him. "What are you doing?" Cas asks me.
"When I was sick, he took care of me, now I have to do the same for him." I respond, placing Dean's shoes aside while helping him out of his jeans.
"What does undressing him have to do with taking care of him?" Cas asks watching me. I chuckle and shake my head as I fold Dean's jeans and place them with his dirty laundry.
"When you take care of someone, you want to make sure their comfortable." I inform Cas. "Can you help me? I need him to sit up for a moment." I ask Cas. He nods, gently pulling Dean up so I can take off his flannel. He was now in his boxers, t-shirt, and socks. Cas lays him back down, and I fix his blanket on top of him before gathering up Dean's dirty laundry in the laundry hamper. I kiss Dean's forehead, and kiss Cas's cheek. "If you or him need anything just let me know." I smile before exiting Dean's room.

After moving into the bunker I begged Sam and Dean for a washer and dryer. Eventually they got me it for Christmas and hooked it up near the bathroom. Sam always did his laundry, unlike Dean who always asked me to do it or got new clothes. I toss Dean's clothes in the washer before going into the kitchen. Luckily, I had left over stuff to make pie from last time I was here.

As I began making pie, Sam enters the bunker with a box of hot pizza.
"Pie?" Sam asks as he places the box down.
"Mhm, for when Dean wakes up." I respond. I quickly pop the pie in the oven and than sit down with Sam to eat some pizza.
"Did Cas say when he'd wake up?" Sam asks. I shake my head as I chew on my pizza. Sam frowns slightly and sips his beer.
"Don't you and Dean have anti-possession tattoos? How'd he get possessed?" I ask Sam.
"They can possess us apparently but only for a short amount of time and they have to be pretty powerful to do so." Sam informs me. "Don't you have one?" Sam asks arching hip brow.
"We never got to do mine." I chuckle sipping my beer.
"Well looks like I know what we're doing when Dean wakes up." Sam smiles playfully. I roll my eyes and playfully kick him under the table.

It was late, I told Sam to get some rest while I cleaned up. After cleaning up, I went into Dean's room with a PB&J for Cas.
"Hey, I brought you something." I smile, handing Cas the plate.
"Thank you but angels do not eat." Cas informs me.
"I know but last time you had one you seemed to really enjoy it even though it was just molecules. So enjoy." I chuckle, than head over to besides Dean. I gently stroke his face with my knuckles and admire his features. Sometimes when he slept, he seemed so tense but right now he was calm and his face was at ease. I look over at Cas who's enjoying his PB&J causing me to giggle.
"Even though it is just molecules, these molecules are delicious." Cas mumbles. I shake my head, and kick off my shoes causing Cas to look at me. "What are you doing y/n?"
"Laying with Dean." I respond, getting under the covers and curling up with Dean.
"Why?" Cas asks.
"So he's not lonely." I mumble tiredly.
"I do not understand but alright. Goodnight y/n." Cas sighs.
"Goodnight Cas." I smile weakly before falling asleep.

   When I wake up, it's cause I hear Dean groan in frustration.
       "Jesus Cas!!! What we say about watching people sleep!!!" Dean groans. I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing so I seem to be asleep.
       "I'm sorry Dean, I was watching to make sure you were better and nothing was wrong." Cas responds plainly.
       "I'm fine." Dean grumbles. I feel the bed shift, indicating he was getting out of bed. "Where's my clothes?" Dean asks.
       "Y/n removed them. She said it was to make you comfortable, I believe she washed them as well and baked you a cake." Cas responds.
       "Really?" Dean asks in disbelief.
       "Yes, she than decided to lay with you last night because she didn't want you to be lonely. I don't understand what she meant." Cas continues. Dean chuckles and I hear him walk over to his closet.
      "Well thanks Cas, imma get dressed I'll meet you out in the library." Cas leaves, and I pretend to be woken by the door being closed. I fake yawn and stretch before sitting up.
      "Morning." Dean smiles over at me.
       "Your awake! How do you feel?" I ask getting out of his bed.
        "Fine. Apparently you took care of me last night so thank you. And you did the exorcism so thank you for that as well." He puts on his flannel, and begins putting on his jeans.
      "No problem, you'd do the same for me. Pie's in the fridge but I'm making breakfast so you might wanna save it for later." I smile. I go over to him and kiss his cheek before running out of the room and down the hall to mine.

  I change into fresh clothes before pulling Dean's clothes out of the wash and into the dryer. Than I head into the kitchen, and begin making breakfast. I hear Sam come down the hall, and get excited over seeing Dean awake and feeling better.
     "So y/n." Dean says coming into the kitchen. "I heard we're getting you tattooed." I turn and see his has a playful smile on his lips. I grab a frying pan and aim it at him.
"Don't come near me Winchester. I'm not afraid to use this!!!" I warn, trying to hide my smile.
"Don't tempt me princess I will use my smolder on you." Dean warns as he approaches me. I hold the pan up to his neck.
"I will use this!"
( if you don't understand this joke from Tangled we need to talk)

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