Chapter 19

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I bury my face in Dean's chest as we lay in the motel bed. We eventually stopped in some town in Missouri. I couldn't really sleep that night, afraid I'd have another nightmare. I trace shapes on Dean's chest, causing him to groan softly in his sleep but no wake up. I can't sleep, I can't. I slowly get out of bed, and make my way to the bathroom. I rinse my face, and lean against the sink, no sure what to do.

      I exit the bathroom, slip on my shoes and slip on my coat before stepping outside. It was late winter, and freezing outside but I didn't mind it too much. The parking lot was empty besides the impala, making the area surrounding me eerie. My stomach growls, and I chuckle rubbing it.
      "You already have your daddy's appetite  little man." I chuckle, going inside to grab the keys. I get the keys, and go to the car climbing in. I drive to the nearest 7/11, park at the one of the gas pumps, since I'm here I might as well. I check the pump number and jog inside. I make myself a coke slushee, grab a bag of chips, 2 bags of beef jerky, and m&m's before going up to the cashier.
        "And id like to put 20 on pump 3 please." I smile. The man returns the smile, and nods, ringing up my stuff. I hand him money for my food, and than a separate 20. He bags my food, and I walk out of the gas station sipping my slushee. I pump gas into the car, toss my bag to the passenger side, and when I'm finally finished I drive back to the motel.

   When I pull up to the motel, the lights are on. Did I wake them up? I grab my bag and climb out of the car with my slushee. I open the door and see Sam and Dean with Cas and Meg in panic.
      "WHERE DID SHE GO?!?!" Dean screams.
      "Found her." Meg smirks eyeing me walk in. Everyone turns to look at me, Dean sighs in relief before approaching me and hugging me tightly.
       "Are you okay?" He asks, pulling away and looking me up and down.
       "I'm fine I just got hungry." I shrug.
       "You scared the shit out of ya." Dean sighs.
        "I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you up, so I went by myself." Sam grumbles and sits on his bed, rubbing his head, while Dean shakes his head.
       "From now on, if you go somewhere take someone with you." Dean instructs me. I nod, and he goes into the bathroom.
       "Did you guys find anything?" I ask Cas and Meg as I take a seat on the bed.
       "Possibly, but your not going to like it." Cas sighs. Dean exits the bathroom, and takes a seat next to me. I hand Dean a bag of beef jerky, which he gladly accepts.
       "What is it?" I ask, sipping my slushee.
        "We wipe your memory." Meg informs me.
         "Like......I wouldn't remember anything?" My heart sinks. I don't want forget anything.
        "Correct, but Cas may be able to restore it after. If he restores it, you'll only remember the passed, and the scroll will be gone." Meg says.
        "And The ora will be gone? I'll be normal?" I ask.  
      "Well....we can only do this if you haven't absorbed the scroll, if you have.....than you have very strong powers that cannot be rid of, unless you die." Cas frowns.
       "How do we know if she absorbed it or not?" Dean asks, taking my hand and squeezing it.
      "We don't. It usually is shown when put in high risk situations, and than after she begins to take control of them." Cas informs us.
   I sigh and rub my head,"So the best we can do right now is wait?" I ask.
        "Yes, I will do my best to find another way. But right now this is what we've discovered." Cas smiles weakly. I nod, and sigh.
       "Thank you Cas, I appreciate it." I smile weakly.

Cas and Meg leave to continue looking while Sam instantly falls back asleep. I'm sitting in bed, eating sneaks while lays besides me.
"If you absorbed the power....that means you aren't human." Dean mumbles in a hushed voice.
"Is that going to be a problem for us?" I ask looking over at him. He shrugs and sits up, grabbing his bag of jerky.
"We'll make it work." He smiles.

  I stayed up most of the night, scrolling through different websites trying to do my own digging but I came up with nothing. Eventually my body shut down, and I passed out like Dean predicted. I fell asleep for 2 hours until I felt Dean shaking me.
       "Baby....we need to go, Sam was attacked." He mumbles. I sit up quickly and my eyes wander around the room till they land on Sam.
      "Are you okay?!? Are you hurt?!" I ask in panic, standing up a little too fast causing me to loose my balance and sit back down on the bed.
       "I'm fine." Sam chuckles.
         "Are you sure? You didn't hit your head or get sliced anywhere Sammy?" I ask, after regaining my balance I stand up and walk over to him to examine him. He had a little cut on his forehead, and a smaller one on his lip. "You are hurt!!! Did you clean them?" I ask.
       "Yes I'm alright, let's just go before they hurt you." Sam says, nudging me towards my bag. I sigh and nod, slipping on shoes before grabbing my bag.
      "Your going like that?" Dean asks eyeing me up in down. I was wearing grey sweat pants, and a blue hoodie that had a Captain America shield on it.
       "Yes I'm tired, I'm gonna sleep in the car so I might as well be comfortable. It's not like we're going to a 5 star restore where I'll run in George Clooney." I reply with a shrug. Dean just chuckles before grabbing his bag.

   We check out of the motel and head towards a different state, and different town. Sam was passed out in the front, and I was slowly beginning to doze off.
      "Your mamma instincts went off when you heard about Sammy." Dean chuckles. I smile, my eyes closed and I can't help but blush slightly.
      "Did they really?" I mumble
      "Mhm, getting in some practice before you become a real mamma?" Dean asks causing me to giggle tiredly.
     "Did you put gas is baby last night?" Dean asks.
       "Mhm." I hum eventually finally passing out.
      "That's my girl."

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