Project Hybrid: File #1 Alpha Raptor

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*Zach's POV*

Zack sits down in the recliner to get comfortable. Y/n hands him a laptop and a few DVDs. "Watch them in order or you will end up being confused." She then hands him a black folder. "Any questions you have while watching what is on the DVDs can be answered by the files in that folder. Also you won't get bored too bad." Zack looks up at Y/n. "I can tell you are not too happy about leaving for Northern California, are you?" Zack asks.

"Not really. As much as I have always wanted to go to California, I just wish it was under better circumstances," said Y/n.

"So who called you last night during dinner?"

"One of InGen's higher-ups. Someone who has more authority than Henry Wu himself."

"How did you figure that out? As I recall they didn't want to answer your questions over the phone." Zack turns on the laptop and waits for it to start up.

"Whoever the person was that originally called me, called back again at five o'clock this morning to give me a run down of what needs to be done besides cleaning up Lockwood Mansion. They told me to bring a couple people to help with the task whom I can trust. So I am bringing Issac, Ultima, and Atlas."

"So why Ultima and Atlas?"

"I'm not taking a chance of the Carnosaurus showing up while we are cleaning. It will be their job to scare it off."

Zack bursts out laughing. But his laughter quickly dies down when Y/n gives him a serious look. "You are not joking, are you?"

"Just watch the DVDs and your questions will be answered." Y/n heads out the door, soon followed by Issac, Ultima, and Atlas.

"Now let's see what this family really is," said Zack as the laptop finished starting up. He opens the disk drive and puts in the first DVD which was labeled "Project Hybrid: File #1 Alpha Raptor, aka Tidus".

*the DVD started to play*

The image is out of focus for a few seconds before the camera is focused on a tiny raptor hatchling. The camera then pans around, focusing on Y/n. "Project Hybrid is a success. The first hybrid just hatched earlier today." The camera is then turned back to the hatchling. "The first to hatch is the Alpha Raptor. I made sure that he was the first thing he had seen after he had hatched. Haven't named him yet but I'll think of a name for him here soon." The camera feed cuts out and after about a minute it focuses back in again. The footage shows Y/n sitting on the couch with a PS4 controller in her hands. With where the camera was sitting, it was easy to tell it was sitting on the arm of the couch. The Alpha Raptor was sitting in Y/n's lap watching her play one of her games on the PS4. The music playing in the background indicates that Y/n was playing Final Fantasy 10.

Zack watches the video footage. Nothing was much was happening besides the fact that Y/n was humming along to the Hyme of the Fayth. Zack could tell that
the Alpha Raptor was falling asleep. He returns his attention back to the video footage since he noticed that Y/n was starting to turn the game off. He looks back at the footage.

Y/n looks down at the Alpha Raptor hatchling and scratches him on his back. "Now the question is what am I going to name you." The hatchling yawns and curls up on Y/n's lap. "I think Tidus would be a good name for you." She smiles down st the newly named Tidus and looks over at the camera. "Looks like I'm going to have my hands full raising you."  Y/n pushes a button on the camera and the footage cuts out.

Zack pauses the DVD and sets the laptop down on the couch. He gets up and heads to the kitchen. Mrs. L/n was in the kitchen busy making an apple pie. She looks back at Zack. "Learn anything so far?" She asks.

Zack shakes his head. "Nothing much yet. Just started watching the video Y/n made for Tidus."

Mrs. L/n set down the knife she was using to cut the apples. She turns to look st Zack. "I'm going to tell you now. It will be a lot to process especially especially when you get to the video for Atlas and Jade. Just warning to you be ready to accept the responsibility of what you learn. Not everyone will be able to accept what you know about Y/n's kids." Mrs. L/n uses air quotes to emphasis on kids since they were to a sense still dinosaurs. "But what matters is that I still love them no matter what." She hands Zack an apple. "Go finish watching those DVDs. You still have a lot to learn."

Zack thanks Mrs. L/n for the apple and heads back into the living room. He sits back down in the recliner and picks the laptop back up. He starts the DVD back up again.

The image resumes and it shows that Y/n was in the kitchen making breakfast. Some time had went by since Tidus was almost as tall as the kitchen counter now. "So what would Tidus like today? Beef with lemongrass or maybe some chicken with basil?" Y/n walks over to the oven and opens it. "Or maybe you want to change things up and try some homemade biscuits?" Tidus watches Y/n as she puts on oven mitts and pulls out a pan with some biscuits. She sets the tray on the a cooling rack she had set out prior before putting the biscuits in the oven. She waits for the biscuits to cool a bit before cutting one in half. She leans down and holds it towards Tidus so he can sniff it. "Its called a biscuit. It's what humans eat with their breakfast." Tidus sniffs the biscuit and growls at it. Y/n pulls the half a biscuit away from Tidus. She sets it on the counter. "I think I might have something that might change your mind."  Tidus continues to watch Y/n. He climbs up onto the counter to get a better look at what she was doing. She once again was holding the biscuit in front of him but now it smelled sweet. He sniff it again and kinda liked the new scent. He quickly flicks his tongue out and licks the sweet smelling substance. He makes her he gets a good taste of it. Y/n carefully watches Tidus' reaction. She noticed a confused look appears in his eyes. Even though Tidus was a carnivore, Y/n wanted to see since being a hybrid, Tidus can go off the grid and try new things. She continues to watch Tidus, trying to read him before he snatches the biscuit and runs off. "Hey!" Y/n was taken off guard when Tidus had grabbed the biscuit. "Definitely in over my head." Y/n turns of the camera. The footage fades to black again....

The footage reappears on the laptop screen. It now shows Tidus has gone through another growth spurt. He was now as tall as Y/n. She was outside cooking at the grill. "What you making?" A voice asks off camera. "Tidus brought me some of his kill to eat. Apparently he doesn't think I can hunt for myself." Y/n laughs. "He brought me back some Iguanadon meat so I am going to see if it can be cooked." She looks over at the camera. "So what do you think, Issac?" The camera was set down and a young man slightly taller than Y/n walks over to her to see if the meat was cooking. "It might cook but I'm not entirely sure. I'd say burn it a bit to make sure whatever contaminants were in the Iguanadon and whatever is in Tidus's saliva will get cooked out." Issac and Y/n look over to Tidus. "You think this will cook eh, brat" Issac teases. Tidus chortled and 'smiles'. Issac walked over to the camera and shuts it off.

The footage resumes again but this time it's in a darkened area. Y/n appears on the screen. She looked tired and exhausted. She had dark circles under her eyes and her hair was falling out of its ponytail which she had pulled back into. Y/n yawns. She was visibly tired. "InGen is up to their old tricks. Apparently they are trying to turn their scientists into human-dinosaur hybrids." She picks up the camera and points it to the foot of the bed, where Tidus was sleeping. "This scaly brat is worried about me. So he went leave the bedroom as well as Issac who is sleeping on the floor. The fever nightmares are preventing me from sleeping as well as the high fever. Had to take an ice bath to bring the fever down. It was one hundred and three degrees earlier. But it has gone down to one hundred and two. Issac said I should have gone to one of the doctors on the island but I refuse to." The camera footage goes out again as Y/n turns the camera off. The footage doesn't resume.

Zack ponders what he had just watched. "Definitely going to take some getting used to perceiving Jade and the others once as dinosaurs." He takes a bite of the apple he was given befor taking the first DVD out of the disk drive. "Now for the second one."

Altered Sequence (Fem!Reader x Various) A Jurassic Park Chaos Effect BookWhere stories live. Discover now