Project Hybrid: File #4 Hybrids and More

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*Zack's POV*

Zack puts the last DVD into the laptop and waits for it to play. It takes a few minutes before it does but something puzzling catches Zack's eye. He notices that the lighting was dark and that the dying batter symbol for the camera was flashing in the lower right hand corner of the screen. "Something doesn't feel right," he tells himself. He waits patiently for more of the video feed. After what seems like an eternity, even though it was five minutes, Y/n appears on the screen. Zack could tell she was exhausted. Her long hair which was normally pulled back into a ponytail as in the previous videos he had watched, was a mess. Hair was hanging in her face. Her clothes were wrinkled and had spots of dirt on them. She takes a deep breath before sitting down at the desk where the video camera was sitting.

"I regret that this video diary will be cut short. Normally I would have had some footage of the Armargospinus and Ankyloranodon growing up. I've named the Armargospinus, Atlas, and the Ankyloranodon, Jade. But that is not the case this time around. Henry Wu has gotten rather...impatient with me raising the hybrids and thought it would be better that they would be put in their paddocks despite the fact Atlas and Jade are only two months old. I managed to make sure that I was present when they hatched. Luckily for me they hatched at the same time." Y/n wipes a few tears from her eyes. "I have also made the decision to break away from InGen. I haven't decided when but I plan on to. Twice I have, to a sense, escaped death. Once being sick about a month after Tidus had hatched and the second time was when I was home alone and ended up passing out." Y/n rolls up on of the sleeves of her long-sleeved shirt, holding her arm to the camera, revealing a patch of scales "Apparently I am still part of one of InGen's projects, trying to turn humans to dinosaurs. " She pulls her sleeve back down. "I have no idea what InGen plans on doing with me...but my gut feeling is that Henry Wu is behind this project, to turn humans into weaponized dinosaurs." Y/n rest her head on her arms. "But there is a lighter side to all this. Tidus continues to escape from his paddock to see me, bringing me his kills sometimes."

Y/n laughs. "It's kinda funny. I didn't know roasted Iguanadon meat would taste very good but it does. Ultima hides in the tress of his paddock, managing to avoid the keepers unless Issac goes to see him. As for Vincent....he stays hidden in the marsh. He had already killed three keepers since our separation. As for Issac..." Y/n wipes more tears from her eyes. "He has no idea how much he has impacted my life since the day we first met. He's such a fool. He's fallen head over heels for me that..." Y/n turns her attention elsewhere before returning her action back to the camera. "Looks like I have to call this video log closed for now. Not entirely sure if I'll make any more videos of the hybrids. Oh and to whoever is watching this...."

The video feed cuts out right as the battery for the video camera finally dies. Zack takes the DVD out of the laptop. "That was weird," said Zack.

"What was weird?" Jade asks as she walks into the living room.

Zack blushes slightly when he sees her. "This DVD didn't provide any information about you or Atlas."

"There isn't much to go by other than the fact that we were taken away from mom because of the," Jade holds up her hands using air quotes, " for the grander scheam of things," said Jade. "In case you are wondering,  that's what I had heard Henry Wu say. You'd be surprised what you hear when people don't think you can comprehend what they say. From what I remember, the reason why Atlas and I were taken from mom two months of age was they hoped that we'd be more hostile and more ready to be used as weapons than if we stayed and grew up with mom."

"So what happened during the time you were locked up in your paddock?" Zack asks as he studies Jade, carefully watching he facial expressions.

"Learning to fly was a real kick in the arse. I had to learn to balance myself out while trying to fly with a club tail that I have. Plus I crashed several dozen times, broke my right wing in several places. Dad had to fix that one since he had to make sure the bones set right. Plus I was nearly starved to death by the keepers. They thought I was a runt and didn't amount it anything." Jade laughs. "But I proved them wrong. Here I am as a strong human being with hybridized dinosaur DNA, living in a place better off than the island."

"What about Atlas?"

Jade shrugs her shoulders. "Not sure really. All I know he was treated slightly better because he was unpredictable plus he managed to break the electrified fences several times over when he got big enough to throw trees at them."

Zack laughs. "Thst would be cool to see. But I am glad that you are here now than the island, Jade." He smirks.

Jade walks up to Zack and leans down, close to his face, looking him dead in the eyes. "You like me, don't you?" She sniffs the air and smirks. "Be careful, pretty boy. You'll be waiting quite a long time before you have too serious of a relationship with me." She leaves the living room and heads into the kitchen.

"Well fuck. That just got more sexual tension than needed," said Zack under his breath.

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