Chapter 5 - Dirty, Party

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Starring into the mirror, I look at myself. I nod my head, "yep I'm ready." I smile, as I walked out of Ed's gross bathroom.

Digging through my suitcase, I pull out a watch that my dad gave me. From one of my smaller pockets. I read the watch, 5:24 was the time. I sigh, 'thirty-six minutes to go.' I think as I flop down on Ed's chair. Removing the heels off my feet, and chucking them over by the door. So I could put them on before I leave.

Sighing I lean over the arm of the chair, in hopes of reaching the book that laid on top of a pile of my clothing. Which came from me digging around in my suitcase more then often. I grabbed my book sitting back in the chair, starting on chapter one.

---- Time-Skip ----

I pull out my watch again, so I could check the time. The clock read 5:56, 'the party's going to start soon maybe, I should head up stairs.' I think, as I put my book down on my pile of clothing. I walk to the door and grab my black heels. Putting them on, and walking out the door and up the stairs. I walk out the basement door, I hear people talking. I walk over to the arch way, that leads into the living. I peer into the living room to see my mother shaking hands, with a large hairy man. And right beside him stood a short woman wearing an apron. 'They look friendly.' I raise my eyebrow. As I look at my mom she was nervous, as she clearly wasn't use to interacting with people. After the years of being a housewife, and never really going outside the house.

I head for the back door. And when I open it I see, Sarah and Jimmy talking in the middle of the backyard. Then I look over to the left to see a buffet table. And at the buffet table, there was a tall muscular boy with blue hair, big side burns, and a long goatee. Loading his plate up with food.

I walk over to Jimmy and Sarah, "Hey guys." I awkwardly stood there. "Wow, (Y/N) you look great." Jimmy beamed. "Yeah you look okay." Sarah slightly smiled, I blushed not use to getting compliments. "Aww thanks, but I think you two look better." I say trying to be humble. Jimmy was wearing, a white dress shirt with a cyan tie and tan khakis. While Sarah was wearing a white dress with pink accent flowers. "Hey (Y/N) have you met Rolf yet?" Jimmy asked. Shaking my head no. Sarah grabs my arm and drags me over to meet, Rolf. Who I would assume is the guy stuffing his face with food.

As we get closer to the buffet table Sarah shoves me. I knock into Rolf and as I do I squeak, from surprise. I backed up, and when I do I see Rolf giving me a hard glare. My knees start wobbling, and shivers went down my spine. As Rolf started to lean in, but then stopped a few inches from my face. "Are you trying to challenge me? New one, I the son of a shepherd?!" He asked and yelled at me as his glare hardened. I shake my head no, too nervous and scared to talk. He backed away slowly, and then started laughing. Shock washed over my pervious emotions. As I stared at the blue haired boy, confused at what he was laughing about. "Ahhh ha ahh." His laughter calmed down. Then when it stopped he put out his hand for me to shake. I took it, then he gripped my hand in a tight embrace. "Hello, sorry for scaring you, but you've should of seen the look on your face. It was so funny." He said, removing his hand from mine. I gave him a bland stare. "Oh yes, silly me I should introduce myself I am Rolf." He said, as he talked I could hear a slight accent. "Well it's nice to meet you Rolf, I'm (Y/N)." You smiled. "Well welcome to our cal-da-sack." Rolf exclaimed. "Thanks, Rolf." I smiled. "Oh and if I may ask, are you from a foreign country?" I asked. "Why yes Rolf is, I bet you could tell from the slight accent I have." He responded. "That's super cool, what country?" I asked. "Yes Rolf is super cool, I am from the motherland." He beamed proudly. "Ummm, Rolf that doesn't tell me where." I said kind of disappointed. "Yes it does, I am from the motherlands." He beamed again. "Okay, Rolf I know that, but where is the motherlands?" I asked, getting a little irritated by this. "Very far away." Rolf responded, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, with an echoing sound that came out of nowhere to add effect. I walk away out of annoyance, not even thinking about that weird echo.

Jawbreaker (Edd/Eddy x Reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now