Its All Good.......Sorta

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Chapter 14

{Carter pov. }

I was so happy when they ran through that door. Especially Angel.

"Carter!! ", yelled Angel as she pounced on me.

"Hey babe , what's good ", I said.

"Nice to see you to, and u know just happy my boo alive she said. ", She said back,then kissed my lips and it started to deepen until Caleb ruined it.

"Ahem! Did y'all forget I was, wich y'all nasty selves... ",,said Caleb.

" Watever man u just mad u ain't got a bae ", I said.

"Pshh, nigga please. All I need is my hoes. ", He said.

"Mmmhmmm keep saying that, u gone be all old and lonely, sitting in ur house like Damn! I shouldn't cuffed someone when I had the chance. ", said Angel.

"Watever man, but how u been doing?", asked Caleb.

"I'm good, it's just that my arm hurt.", I said holding my arm.

"Well I can fix that. ", said this nurse waking in. She had this weave in and it looked all crusty. Not attractive.

"Oh good. ", I said, fake smiling.

" Well then, I'll just need to check u out and I'll give u some pills. ", said the nurse with this lustful look in her eyes. I looked over at Angel and she looked light she was bouts to beat somebody ass. Here we go.














{Angel pov. }

I know this ratchet nurse did not just try something on my boo. If she try one more slick thing her ass bouts to get beat!

"Excuse me mamm or whoever u are I need u too move off this fine man so I can check his vitals. ", said the nurse.

Oh No she did not.. It's About To Go Down.

"Umm no excuse me with ur ratchet self, I am his girlfriend. So u better back off, and get me another nurse with ur Walmart weave wearing ass. ",I said getting all up in her face.

"Pshh, watever bitch. ", said the nurse walking away.

Oh Hell to the Naww!! I got up and tapped her on her shoulder.

"Wrong words bitch. ", I said as I punched her dead in her face. She fell back and I punched her in the neck. She then went towards the door but I pulled her back and took her ratchet weave and slammed her on the ground. Once I saw blood I let her go out the door. That'll teach the bitch.

"Damn!!! ", yelled Caleb and Carter

"Pssh she deserved it. ",I said walking back over too Carter's bed.

"Anyway, what we gonna do about the Orange gang? ", asked Caleb.

"I was thinking that we could 'visit ' their trap house but we need backup, so once I get out of here we shooting them up. ", said Carter.

"Aite cool, let me tell the boys. ", said Caleb walking out the door.

"You really want to do this? ", I asked Carter.

"Yeah, trust me ain't nothing gonna happen cuz we gonna be prepared. ",He said back.

"Okay.. ", I said. I really do nothing happen fr fr.









{Caleb pov. }

I just got done y'all to my boys about what's bout to happen. But after I was done I started to think about what Carter and Angel was talking about. I really do want a girl but all the ones around here are really thirsty hoes. But not Angel.... I wonder if she has any friends .










A/N: Hey people here's the update, sorry it took so long Wattpad acting retarded.... but anyway there's about to be some stuff happening so keep reading!!

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